
Men: Are you more attracted to a woman who stands up for herself?

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Of course it's possible for a woman to be strong-minded and hold her ground without being a "stubborn *****" (although some insecure people might end up calling her one anyway).

Do you think confidence is just as good a quality for women as it is for men?

Please state where you live or where you grew up in your answer.




  1. I am from New York City.  The women here ACT confident and stand up for their rights, but in reality their confidence is often a facade.  New York is a tough town, and the ladies here just deal with what confronts them, sometimes successfully.

    Many of them like to brag about being strong, but in their more private dealings and moments we find out just what they are made of.  Why I say that is because many go running for someone else's help when the going gets rough, especially when it comes to $$$.

    But they're trying, which is the main point, and any person who thinks the lack of confidence is good is probably just a parasite.

  2. This was a very good question that you asked. I, myself, am a strong-minded woman, and my man loves it.

  3. yes

  4. Only a guy who wants to dominate his woman in all ways would prefer a wimp.

    EOGHAN G: I told you, he does it to annoy me. The decision always ends up being his.

  5. that's the kind: those who stand up for themselves; no need to hold them up while you do your thing. Grunt... grunt...

  6. Yes, I am attracted to confident women who aren't noticeably cocky, given that they have other qualities that I look for.

    NY. Grew up in the US, Italy and Germany.

  7. Your question is a great compliment to women , I am impressed by you asking it, have a star.!!

  8. Please stop your desperate attempts to kiss up to whoever it is your juvenile crush is on here or score brownie points with those feminists. They can see right through that! Be a man and ask a real manly man's question!

  9. I like strong women who have a mind of their own, with their own opnions and views on things. I mean why would anyone want to date someone who is always going to agree with you, and not have a mind of their own? I even perfer strong women on TV, especially if they kick ***;)

    Im from Newyork, USA:)

  10. Of course. Ireland.

    Rio, the pot calling the kettle black, what did you tell your boyfriend to eat today?

    ; )

  11. Sure, confidence is good, but it really comes down to how hot she is, all things aside.  Sorry!

  12. yes i do. but, i find that these type of women are usually the same ones who turn quite submissive when they get into a relationship with a guy.

  13. a woman who stands up for herself isn't threatening to a man who is confident and secure enough with himself.

  14. absolutly, self esteem and self confidence are very attractive, if a girl keeps saying "im fat" or "im stupid" or i cant do this or that. it gets kinda annoying, if she thinks shes to good though most of the tiume they become stuck ap and prud. Some self esteem and self control is good though.

  15. Of course. Who would want the perfect little wifey with absolutely no opinion of her own? I grew up in California.

  16. Absolutely.  I like women who are confident and like themselves.  A sense of humor is important too.

    Jersey Girls rock!

    New Jersey born and raised.

  17. I find confident women who know who they are and know what they want to be incredibly s**y.  Women who ride their own motorcycle for example... Ooo baby that hot!

    BUT... and this a HYUGE BUTT...

    Often women will confuse confidence or independence with an "I don't need you" attitude and that turns me off immediately.  OK I get it if you don't NEED a guy to help you with this and to do that because you can do for yourself, whatever.  But guys need to feel needed.  It gets us on this primal level where we want to be the protector and if you go too far on the independence thing we will feel like it doesn't matter if we are there or not and if it doesn't matter we might as well leave and head for a place where we can feel validated by having our presence in the relationship be, if not NEEDED, at least WANTED.

    So while most guys I know, myself definitely included find confident, strong women to be a beautiful thing, just be aware of that line; that point where overly expressing your independence to us can become an active minimization of our import to the relationship and thus a force that drives us away or makes us suddenly feel all receptive to some new girl who shows up and does make us feel needed and wanted and good about ourselves, maybe something that after a lengthy relationship with an overly independent woman, we haven't felt for a while.

  18. I want a woman to be equal partners.  Meaning give and take.  I don't want a woman to bow to me, but i do want one to consider my thoughts as well.  Too many times i've been in relationships with a total b****, but at the same time she should certainly have her own independance.  the key word to success in a relationship is COMPROMISE.  Realize that both of you have an opinion.

    grew up in Arkansas.

  19. 4sho otherwise it would be a boring chick

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