
Men: Do you care if your date orders the most expensive item on the menu?

by Guest10814  |  earlier

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Ladies: Do you let him splurge on you or do you try to be reasonable?




  1. I am female and if I am on a date with someone I don't know well yet I would never order the most expensive thing.  I think there are enough choices on any menu that you can find something you like without taking advantage and ordering the most expensive thing.  I would just be happy to be on a date with someone I like and not expect him to break the bank by ordering something very pricey.

  2. If my lady really wants the most expensive item, no I don't care. No real man would

  3. I pay for some of the dates. We split most of the time.

  4. Not if that is what she really wants.

  5. This is so funny because it shows men don't have a clue. When women order the most expensive thing it's a test just to see if they'll buy it, LOL!  And, most of them do. As for me, I order what I want and I figure if the man has a problem with that, he shouldn't have taken me out. I figure if we go to a nice restaurant then common sense tells me this man expects to spend some money. If you're too cheap to pay for a decent meal than you don't need to ask the woman on a date. That's my motto.

  6. I never do that on purpose, but I would choose what I want regardless of the price. If someone invites and picks the place then he must be capable of paying, if he isn't then why choose the expensive place to start with, pretending you can afford then flipping out when the bill comes is plain stupid.

    If I suggested the place then I would definitely insist on sharing the bill, although I like a guy that pays but fair is fair, if he's not choosing then I’m not going to embarrass him.


  7. I usually don't care unless she leaves it on her plate and does not eat it or does not take the rest back home with her !

  8. Honestly i wouldnt buy anything more expensive than usual..

  9. great question... i am always worried about what i order... no i wouldnt order the most expensive item on the menu - it is rude and it probably not what i want anyway. if the only thing i wanted was the most expensive dish i would offer to help him pay.

    being old fashioned is nice and romantic, but unless he will keep it up, is simply not practical. (why get used to something that is going to go away the moment you commit:)))

  10. It's OK by me just don't make a habit of it.

  11. If you are paying the bill, this is a little disrespectful.   However, when choosing a restaurant they should always choose one that they can afford when treating someone.   But the real kind thing to do when someone else is paying is to order an item similar in price to what the person paying ordered.

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