
Men: Do you prefer normal/safe women, or slightly crazy/different women?

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for example: would you prefer to date a girl who is slightly funny, sweet and polite,

or a girl who has unusual tastes in things, and does funny over the top stuff?




  1. I prefer my women criminally insane that way when I'm finished with them I can just ship them back off to the asylum. Tip top

  2. Crazy Women are a Gas. It's true, but they are a pain to live with.

    And woe betide if you fall in love with them.

    In the long run, a Quiet Safe Lady, will render a Man numb to risks and outside thinking.

    And will shatter him when she finally turns around and says, no more.

    In light of the question here, I can only say these are two Polarized Extremities. Life is so much more complex.

    AND, so it should be. Can you imagine how boring life would be if things were so simple?

    I say, lets keep it all a mystery. All part and parcel of being Human.

    Glad to be of service VG.

  3. Captain, at times in my life, I have thought that normal/safe women and slightly crazy/women were one and the same. This is because one category can turn into the other in a heartbeat without reason or rhyme.

    Men have different preferences because men are different and have different tastes in women. Some men are more adventurous than others. Some men like diz-brained airheads, and some like intelligent women.

    The same applies to women, too, from what I have found in my life.



  4. im guessing the unusual cuz the unusual usually are dirty



  5. Crazy and different. Normal girls are no fun, alot of the time they are flaky on dates.  

  6. I've always been more compatible with girls who have unusual tastes. I'm the same way so it makes both of us seem a little less crazy I guess. I've been told I'm different and "over the top" so many times that it's good to find that same quality in a girl.

  7. My best friend told me that I should never change for a guy and be myself. It won't work out anyway.

  8. Everyone is crazy in a way ... you have to just bring it out... I don't like uptight girls, I like crazy ones

  9. I would prefer the normal women but crazy one's aren't a bad choice either :P

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