
Men: Do you wish women would dress like this?

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  1. Ok..I compeltely love empire waist dresses.

    If i ever got married Id love to get married in one.

    I have a love for period clothing like that myself.

    In alot of ways i tihnk...that while that clothing may have been restricting ..... the mode of dress allowed ppl to actually get to know each get to know the actual person.

    these days...many ppl just want a quick lay... its sad really.

    im not saying ppl should dress like in the pics..

    but i do not think a bit of modesty ever hurt anyone.

    ah but with free choice and will....


    and then of have d*cks like the one above me.

    oh my He removed his answer..I do not mean you Colonel Reb!

  2. No thse clothes are ridicolous, imagine a woman wearing such monstrousities during summer.

  3. Maybe if i was Mormon. I prefer my women in apple bottom jeans.

  4. I wish we would dress like that... then all I'd have to do is grab a dress and go. Now I spend way to long making sure the jeans go with the top... but then again those hair do's seem more difficult then the current Styles..

    wow i'm lazy

  5. 1-3 : No.

    4 - Yeah, she looks pretty good.

    5 - meh.

    6 - Nice cleavage.  I approve!

  6. NO

  7. My husband would absolutely hate it.  His idea is that I should reveal as much of my body as possible.  His ideal for how I should dress would be like Jane Fonda in Barbarella, or possibly Raquel Welch in One Million Years BC.

  8. Hey really, how bout we make this the end of this nonsense for the day.  

            - No I don't wish women to do anything; as a man you don't "wish" you instruct, implore, at worst ask.

  9. "Compared to what women wear these days"?

    I wear shorts and a t-shirt during the summer, jeans or sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt during the winter.  I didn't realize that being comfortable was a crime.

    Edit:  Anatol are you f-ing kidding me???  I am 17 years old, don't you dare call me a prostitute!  I live in America, I am allowed to wear shorts.  If women can wear skirts in public, why not shorts?  There is NO difference.  And for your information, I am not interested in s*x.  At all.  Why should I be denied the right to be comfortable on a hot day?  What is your problem?  I'm still a virgin, NEVER had a boyfriend, don't want one anytime in the near future!  So lay off!  Do you live in a Muslim country or something?

  10. You mean like the FLDS women at the polygamous compound in Texas? Those poor women look like they are about to pass out from the heat. That compound is located in a hot and fairly dry area of Texas.

  11. Emily, do not let Anatol bother you. He’s only making comments like that because more than likely he has a hard time talking too women. There’s nothing wrong with wearing shorts outside if it’s hot, cold, or when ever you chose to do so. You have that right, you don’t have to cover yourself up (or chasten yourself as he’s so obsessed with) to appease him. You don’t dress for his approval. You can wear what ever makes you feel comfortable. If he can wear shorts so can you. He’s only speaking from sexual frustration.

    Either way it goes, no matter what a woman wears (like Bryan Just pointed out) a man is going to find something sexual arousing about her. Especially a man that has not had sexual contact in a while. May it be the sheer infatuation with what’s underneath the clothing, or their imagination running wild. All men do it! They think about s*x just as often as we do. And it doesn’t matter what you wear. Jeans and a T-shirt, three piece business pant suit, church robe or miniskirt. Some men (and some women) will still have something to say about either your shape (or lack their of) your size, how tall or short you are, what your hair looks like, anything physical about you as a woman will cause someone to comment. So it doesn't matter if we dress like the women in some of these pics that some users are now taking to literally, because even back then people commented if a woman's dress had to many flashy colors, if there was too much lace, to big a bow, what ever. Some one is always going to have something to say.

  12. That's a lot of clothing.  I wouldn't mind if women dressed like that if they were comfortable in it.  Either way, I'll get aroused the same way.

  13. of course.much better that way,I think It's sad that women these days don't realize how they are degrading themselves,by the way they dress.I respect any women who chooses to dress modestly.

  14. No.

  15. I wish I could dress liek this (and not be thought of as mad)

  16. No.. it looks like a nightgown a toddler would wear.

    But whatever, I don't really care what women wear or if they're trying to modest by rubbing their modesty in our faces.  


    Women care too much about what the 'perfect' women should be like.

  17. I could careless what a woman wears. If she wants to look like she is in a Christian cult or time warped back to the 18th century more power to her.

  18. No, I prefer tight short shorts and a tight shirt with no bra.

  19. I like women in dresses, but I prefer something a little more modern than this.  I'd rather see a woman in jeans and a T-shirt than a couple of those dresses.

  20. As a rule, no. It's not that I don't like it, but I also don't like telling people what to wear.

    Anatol is simply a fanatic, and a rather repetitive one to boot. Anyone who refers to shorts as being wrong as a matter of 'fact', can't be trusted to run a popsicle stand, let alone a person's wardrobe.

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