
Men - Ever get real sad and emotionally upset after getting angry, frustrated, and losing your temper?

by Guest32896  |  earlier

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Men / Growing Men / Teenagers - after getting angry, very frustrated, even after banging walls, stomping, and going ballistic and yelling at your parents and siblings, do you ever break down sobbing and get emotionally upset (not for what you did wrong, but having to go through an uncomfortable situation)? Does your voice ever get hollow and croaky? Do you feel as emotional as if you were a child? Do you ever get emotionally upset easily? Do you ever get so emotional, you're as emotional as a female / girl? Are you as emotional as the Tin Man and / or the Cowardly Lion?




  1. Ive felt some shame or even slightly sheepish if i have ever gone overboard but not as far as Tin man/Cowardly Lion territory.

  2. What is "emotional as a female" mean, huh?  Men and women both experience emotions in basically the same manner, but are socially conditioned to express them in a certain way.  Maybe if you weren't so obsessed and insecure about your {sexist} role as a stoic, unfeeling male, you wouldn't have ridiculous innappropriate outbursts of  "banging walls, stomping, and going ballistic and yelling at your parents and siblings" or be posting this question.

  3. Your feelings of anger and resentment are reasonable, but your reaction is somewhat of a hysterical nature (meaning, overly volatile). People are going to be scared of you because you appear somewhat out of control. And they aren't going to "understand" that you have to do it, because it's not entirely necessary. There are other ways of showing your feelings about it.

  4. yep

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