
Men - Handkerchief or Tissues?

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l prefer to blow my nose on a handkerchief rather than tissues as they look classier, better for the environment and softer on my nose. Do you use handkerchiefs or tissues to blow your nose?




  1. tissue, handkerchief would be a hassle as it may spread germs and you still need to wash it.

  2. A finger to one side of the nose, then the other side, works fine for me.  You are right about a handkerchief looking classier but Kleenex is far more practical.  

    All the Best.

  3. Whatever is handy...

  4. If I can find a tissue I would rather use that and throw it away.

  5. tissues, then dump them

  6. toilet paper,  because its cheaper!

  7. my sleeve!!! or somebody else's!!!

  8. Tissue...I don't want to reuse something that is dirty.  It would be like using the same toilet paper.  YUK :(

  9. i,am like you, i use a hankerchief.

  10. Kleenex, because you can throw away.

    Afer you blow your nose, do you want to put a snot filled rag back in your pocket?

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