
Men Help me please is he playing? 10 pts?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my ex and i are trying to do the friend thing but the line keeps getting crossed. when i visited him on his bday for a week (5hrs. away) the first nite he said he would pay for everything cause all he wanted was me there with him. then we watched tv and he kept on holding me in his arms and i even caught him smelling my hair once. he proudly showed me off to his friends. btw yes he does have a gf that no one knows about because her religion and other things. but, on the last nite he ordered pizza went into the bathroom and then came out in nothing but his boxers?! wtf you don't get naked in front of your friends. we did something stupid and made love. he kept staring at me the whole time and holding me! the last day he buys me a $50 dollar dinner and then says 1/2 of him wants to stop hurting me the other half wants me back. so last friday i try to c and talk about me and him he says he cares so much for me and has all these feelings for me but he can't act on them. i know he does feel for me because when we broke up 2 months ago he sobbed on my shoulder over it. so i try to move on but he won't let me. he is constantly asking personal ? like if i have been sleeping with anyone and if i love someone. i just got a job in his city and he called me immediatly to talk about it. he was acting werid laughing at everything and getting all excited. asked about the job and said that when i go up for my interview that he wants to find me an apartment. and then said the strangest thing that it was moving too fast for him (me moving up there) i asked y if it was a bad thing and he said no. but y say that? i am so confused as to what he is doing? Help?




  1. you were not really thinking to clearly by moving to the same city. If you really wanted to end this relationship you would, and going to spend his bday with him? What is he all of about 10 years old or what? You might do that for yuor kids, but not your ex. By doing that he only keeps you on a string and he knows it. Get away from him and move on if thats what you really want to do. Does it really matter if you are seing someone else or have been to bed with anyone? What business would that be of his anyway.

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