
Men Only Please..What should I do??

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I found that my man has been reading articles like "How to become more attractive to women". I found this site going through my history on the computer (kids, you know). He has been working out a lot and he insist that he loves me, we do have great s*x when we do (our schedules). We have been together for 19 yrs, should I be concerned??




  1. Either he is cheating or looking to cheat.

  2. maybe he wants to change his far as health, looks...he could be doing it for you.

  3. yes you should be ... now just stay with him when hes on the computer at all times ..  

  4. I know you said men only but I'm going to answer anyway. I still work out a lot, dress up ect and always read articles like that in things like cosmo. It's so I look my best FOR my husband...nobody else. Maybe he wants to look good for you! My hubby works out all the times should appreciate his efforts!

  5. no he's trying to get back n shape 4 u  

  6. i'm not a man i asked my hubby and he thinks could be mid life crisis

  7. I wouldn't be concerned at all. He probably just wants to feel/look good for himself and probably for you as well. Answer my question if you can! =);...

  8. I don't want to be an alarmist, but that is a classic sign of a man who is cheating or has intentions to cheat. This has happened to me before. He starts to feel good about himself, he might get a little more attention from women he didn't think would look at him before, and it probably has as much to do with how he feels about himself and his new found confidence as it does any changes in how he actually looks. Or he might just be having a mid-life crisis (don't know how old he is). But either way, something is different about him. You know that something is off, that's why you sent in this question. Unfortunately, the answers won't come from here. They can only come from your husband. Keep talking to him. Trust me, TRUST ME, unless his doctor told him to get in shape or his health would suffer, then this change in him is going to become a problem. Good luck.

  9. I started wanting to get in better shape for my wife, so I looked online at things I could do different to make myself mroe appealing to her. I wanted her to look at me and have that, "d**n you're fine!" look on her face when I get out the understand?

  10. I wouldn't be concerned just yet.  Maybe he thinks that you are not attracted to him (due to your busy schedule).  There are other signs aside from searching the net.  I look at p**n all the time.  I would also like to know how to make myself more appealing to the opposite s*x.  Look for other signs.  Who knows, maybe he is trying to get your attention.  Did I just repeat myself?

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