
Men & Women, what do you think about these two weather ladies?

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Yes, they are latinas. But anyway I Was just curious. Would you consider these women to be feminists? What does their clothing say about them and even their network? Is this a ploy of the weather channels to boost ratings in the male and L*****n populace?

Two are the same woman....oh lawd...I wont' be able to sleep tonight..

I don't know about you but I would be watching this weather channel everyday for these's really hot in here for some reason.....anyway. Just a thought, share yours.




  1. The clothing is very tight and is more appropriate for club wear.

  2. i bet the guys won't realize that it's gonna rain tomorrow even they have been told about it in the show.

    p/s: pity her.  

  3. Very nice .

  4. That they are Spanish and most likely married. I don't fancy on lusting after peoples wives.

  5. The first is dressed VERY unprofessionally.

    The second and third are alright, no probs.

  6. You can say this is used to boost ratings, but then again it seems like it would be counter productive as the reason you check the weather channel or the forecast is to check what it's going to be like today or tomorrow or so on. I wonder how many men are going to remember the weather forecast after being distracted by the woman, lol. And then the next thin you know they plan some outdoor even the next day, and then it rains and it's because they forgot that the weather forecast that the woman pointed said that it was going to be stormy the next day since they were ignoring the weather which they were checking the channel to see in the first place, but naturally got side tracked from the hot woman wearing tight clothes flaunting her curvy body. I liked the third link, too bad she didn't turn around so you could see more of her butt.

  7. EDIT: OK Bryan F, point made.


    Pretty old hat as an idea ~ s**y weather girls (and guys) have been around for a long time. In Japan I believe they've got a nude weather girl on one of the channels. I'll try to find a link, lol. And there was an Italian weather girl who got into trouble for being 'too s**y'.

    But yeah, they are definitely employed to keep the viewers watching. Why else? That's what tv's all about after all!

    As far as these particular women, they look like happy, healthy young women doing a job they enjoy and which probably pays well. If that's what they want, good on them.

    As for their political stance ~ who knows, but women from Latin American countries are strong, proud women and their are many notable feminists and revolutionary figures from that part of the world.

    Maybe they are. Or maybe they're not. You can't really tell just by looking, lol.

    Cheers :-)

    EDIT: OK, a couple of links, just for fun :-)

  8. I think it's obvious society feels women hold no value besides their looks.

  9. They all look VERY nice and I HIGHLY doubt that they're feminists.  

    You get a star.

  10. dude good for them!

    being a woman, im allowed to say this, we should look like that all the time. why would you want to look gross and average when you could look totally hott? im sure its good for the channel anyways lol.

    k sure i am 15 but like.. why not look like that? especially when youre on tv lol. :)

  11. Yes it's a ploy to boost ratings.  TV has the power to program and brainwash us.  

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