
Men & Women: NLP to seduce women; plz look at links and ... ?

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What do you think of this system they've made to use to seduce women? Please share your comments ...

Men, have any of you used this before? And your thoughts on this as well ...

For this link, scroll down until you get to the red bar "Seduce":

Rest of Techniques:

Please glance over them all so you can get a good idea of what this is before you comment. Thanks.




  1. Meh, never used any nlp on people... I have no idea if it actually works, but a lot of people claim it does.

  2. I see you may have found the answer to your recent question:

    Men: how is this even possible: no attraction -----> swooning? ;-)

    NLP has a history of being quite controversial. It has evolved as an approach to psychotherapy, which in itself, has also gained some controversial attention over the years. The main controversy around NLP started in the early days of its introduction, because some believed it was a new age form of psychotherapy. Some practitioners in the field of psychotherapy believed there was little empirical evidence of beneficial outcomes when used in association with psychotherapy and counselling. Transactional Analysis (TA), is a similar technique which was also huge in the 80's, around the time that NLP was the latest "fad", as with self-help books such as "The Idiots Guide To Body Language"

    Today however, NLP has gained a more reputable value. I know a couple of therapists who use the technique, and also know a couple of people who have used it for their own therapeutic development. Personally, one of the things I like about NLP, is the component within it, which involves similar techniques used in Narrative therapy. This similarity is centred around the method of acknowledging then "reframing" a certain isolated event, or course of events, to form a more positive cognitive (both consciously and sub-consciously) response for the client. It is often used as a method to assist survivors/victims of incest or other forms of abuse or violence, where for example, the perpetrator convinces the survivor/victim that s/he is responsible for what happened.    

    In response to the links of the website you provided  however, I've gotta say it's got a run-away-screaming-this-is-creepy feel about it. Unfortunately, while NLP can be used to work on someone's sub-conscious in a positive way, one would have to expect that some people might see an opportunity to manipulate others for their own gain.  Whenever we interact with others, we are open to that minority who consciously use methods to manipulate us. What makes this "method" to essentially get someone in the sack so hideous, is that we rely on picking up subtle body language all the time in our usual day to day interactions with people. It's one thing to subconsciously alert someone about ones interest in them, but quite another thing when someone *uses* that information as a means to get what one wants. In a way, it's like "spiking" someones drink with Rohypnol (aka date rape drug) and having s*x with them, with the knowledge that the person won't remember what happened the previous night. The similarity to me, is that they all use the same basic concept of deception and manipulation. I'm fine about someone picking up my "cues" of interest in them, but only if that information was obtained via usual means of communication and that I'm not being "studied" in order to get me into bed. I like it when I notice subtle "mirroring" by a potential lover, but only if it happens *naturally.*  It gives me an indication that there are similarities between myself and them, as opposed to being lied to, and manipulated. Big difference.

    Besides the questionable method that is used in that website, what I also found alarming, was the language that was used, such as:

    Choose the Right "Target"

    Create a False Sense of Security

    Send Mixed Signals and

    Stir Anxiety and Discontent

    How horrible is that!!?? I'm sure that if most people discovered that the above strategies were used by a partner as a means of seduction, they would feel a little more than uncomfortable about it!

    Thanks for the links! It boggled my mind!

  3. LOL, I'd be curious to know the story behind this line of questions. Some of these techniques are also taught to business/sales people, mirroring is the most common one.

    I will admit to dropping loaded words into normal conversation and I'm surprised that wasn't mentioned.

    Synchronized breathing is something that is recommended in kama sutra and taoist sexual kung fu, i've never thought about trying it in conversation though, to me, thats an interesting extension of mirroring.

    This might interest you. Its kind of sneaky when done deliberately and it exploits the nicer, less superficial women, for example an unconseated model migh be prone, if she has heard it all, many times and she is beautiful she probably finds she intimidates the nicer guys, so, what you do is consciously, try to ignore the beauty in front of you and speak directly into the person behind it making sure you speak as you would to a friend, if she has been exasperated in the past by endless pick up tactics or men being intimidated by the way she looks, she might well be intrigued by a person who is "genuine" and looking beyond the exterior, sounds simple enough, being sincear, the sneaky part is in spotting the one who is suspectible.

    The thing about it is, the kind of guy who would try this stuff is the one that you don't want in your bed and I can see that idea that  there are men out there with "strange" powers as being frightening to women.

    For the most part only a desperate guy would buy into this stuff and chances are, he would need a personality transplant before any of it even had a chance of working for him.

    Selling this PUA stuff must be big business as there is so much of it around, i suppose its fair enough in one way, my female friends can go out and pick up in a heart beat, when ever they want to, ive only ever met one guy who can do that.Having said that, I hope you haven't met one of life's used car sales men and been left feeling violated in any way.

    I also hope you don't suspect that every guy you find your self attracted to is using some mind control technique on you, being charming and flirting is a natural thing, there's nothing sinister about it.

    I'm contrarian by nature so naturally ill say the best tactic is not having a tactic.

    Will you tell me the story behind all this?

    NLP with Derren Brown. He becomes invisible.


  4. I ran into a guy who was totally into NLP - he supposedly used it to help his business-which involved running a rope course and doing group and team training. I read up on it since he was kind of weird and I worked for one of his subordinates. My instincts are usually pretty good and I got weird vibes from this guy-he seemed as insincere as a plug nickel. I rarely had anything to do with him-I made sure I didn't have to work with him; I only worked with his subordinates who I did trust. He tried his number on me a couple of times but I wasn't playing the game. Later I found out he swindled nearly everyone he worked with-stole a bundle from them and did a number of illegal moves that could have landed him in jail. I tried to warn the people I worked for - they knew he was a player but they thought he was only playing others-not them. Anyone using these techniques who is not open about it (like a licensed therapist) is someone to avoid like the plague.

    I noticed that even though it was against their better judgment-people trusted this guy. Remember-if it feels weird-trust it-you are dealing with a weirdo!

  5. The author is Dr. Laura De Giorgio, Ph.D.  

    Humans sexually react to body langauge including voice control and she is teaching some of that.

    When I was a teenager, there was an older teen I used to know.  One night I hung out with him.  He told me he needed a woman that night.  And that he had to "put on his woman attracting attitude" or something like that.  

    Simply he smiled at every woman/girl and talked nice to them.  By the end of the night (I was too shy) he had a woman hanging on his arms...

  6. NLP works...but not if you're insecure. The most important thing in attraction is to work on YOURSELF. When one is confident, everything will flow smoothly, and you won't have to buy these magic tricks. Work on your "inner game"

  7. NLP Neuro Linquistical Programming or somewhere alone those lines; in lower terms qutie related to brain washing.

  8. I know I am deep $h!t if I have to order c**p like this...

  9. If someone tried this stuff on me I'd think they were creepy and dangerous.

    Actually, it is kind of creepy and dangerous to try this stuff on people.

    I think the best method is the straightforward one: be yourself and show a genuine interest in the other person.  If you get on well, keep dating; if you don't get on well, try again with someone else.

    And if someone doesn't want to date you, you have to accept that there is absolutely nothing you can do to change that.

  10. There's a sucker born every minute.

  11. Sure I'll use my pocket watch instead of foreplay next time that will surely be a hit.

  12. It is a documented obsession. The only people who might be using this stuff are child molesters. No adult with a half a brain would ever be seduced by that bunch of garbage.  BTW, if you ever find out the name of a sick b*****d responsible for that piece of c**p, please notify the authorities. We need to keep our children safe from these sob's.

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