
Men & Women: how many of you have been cheated on by a Sagittarius?

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Men & Women: how many of you have been cheated on by a Sagittarius?




  1. im glad someone asked, i have been cheated on by a sag, and the worst part is she dumped me afterwards, and treated the situation like im the one ****** up, when i was faithful and cared about her, its quite annoying cuz im a leo, and leos and saggs are supposed to be very compatible, not in this case, i think she still had a thing for the lying, cheating cancer she had dated before me, who she of course never cheated back on, how ironic is that?

  2. I don't think I've ever dated a sagittarius.

  3. Sagittarians? I thought they were supposed to be loyal devoted fire signs! But okay...I mean I've been cheated on by an Aries, and they are fire signs too...

    I haven't been cheated on by a Sagittarius and I always tend to find them attractive. :P

    Good Luck.


  4. I agree with L.L.Artius not all of us cheat. I've never done it and I'm a Sag. I don't think your zodiac sign has anything to do with why people cheat.  

  5. the sign has nothing to do with it

  6. no one can ever rely on a saggyy sexually nor morally they r unreliable dual personalities  who always try to kill 10000 birds  with a borrowed stone


  7. i have i am a female sag who dated a male sag and he cheated

  8. i've been cheated on once but idont know what his sign was

  9. This is so sad that so many people my sign can't seem to get their lives straight and do something to s***w it up by cheating on their mate. Am I the only good sagitarian alive?i mean, sure i might lie but i would never cheat, and small lies are different from clinical diseases.

    PS, eventually i'll tell you the truth if i feel it needed. but hello this downing sagittarius has got to go. not all of us are losers and b*****s.  

  10. ive never been cheated on by a sag but all sag's i know have cheated or stolen somones man.

  11. I dated a male Sag that was cheating on his girlfriend with me. Every time I accused him of being a cheater, he adamantly denied it. He would tell me that it was just that he had these feelings for me and he couldn't help himself. He was such a stupid jackass.

  12. I am a SAG, and personally I LOVE CHEATING.  I plan to do it again and again--nothing gives me a better thrill than s******g someone else hehehhe.

    "oops I did it again" wasn't produced by coincidence people!!!!!!!!

  13. Interesting question.  My wife lifted her shirt and let one of our friends chew on her b*****s. If that counts as cheating, Yes, I've been cheated on by a Sagittarius.

  14. Me!  But I don't really think it matters...all signs have the potential for betrayal..depends on the circumstances.  You really can't judge a person by their sun sign or even their complete astrological map...we are made of life experiences, not just what was written at birth.

  15. I am a straight up sag. I will tell you we get a bad rap for being unfaithful. The truth is...confront the sag. If they get flustered they are lying. Otherwise the guilt will come oozing through. You will see it. Be careful though, it is a bad thing to accuse an innocent sag of cheating when it isnt true. Have proof....or it will backfire. Trust me.

  16. My first serious boyfriend was a Sag and he did cheat on me. In his defense, our relationship was coming to an end and we were growing apart for a while. I didn't appreciate that he cheated though. Should have waited until it was over. It definitely was after that.

  17. Hi

    My husband, he is a Sag. Not only with women but men too.


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