
Men & Women: what type of work do you prefer?

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Do you prefer to work physically, mentally, or have emotionally based jobs? Or a mix of 2 or 3, and why?




  1. Well, I prefer not to work at all, since I consider work to be highly overrated.  But when I was working, the job I had that I enjoyed the most was working in the public library, and I don't know whether you'd call that physical, mental or emotional.  I had to do a lot of carting piles of books around, so it could be quite physical, but I also had to do a certain amount of mental stuff as well.  i don't think emotions came into it much.

    I have also quite enjoyed helping out at my sons' schools, listening to children read etc, and I suppose if it was possible to earn a living doing that I wouldn't mind it, I suppose again that's a mixture of physical, mental and emotional, so I don't know what you'd call it really.

  2. I would prefer physical work, honest blue-collar work done with my hands. It's hard to get hired in physical stuff (even stuff not requiring heavy lifting) when you're a young girl though, I've run into a lot of prejudice whenever I've looked for a job in a blue-collar industry.

    Short of that, mental work with lots of problem solving.

  3. I would prefer mental work, research or something like that.

    *I'm a guy.

  4. Mentally. . . I tend to suck at physical labor, and even more so at all this emotional stuff.  Engineering, anyone?

    Yes, I'm female.  That doesn't mean I was born with some sort of empathic sense or anything -- I can't figure out what's going on with my own emotions half the time when they pop up.

  5. I'm an engineer. Seems right for me.

  6. Physical or mental, either one.


  7. I'm a jewellery designer and I love being creative and allowing my creative juices to run free. However I alos love working with animals so I don't mind being hands on and doing ome phsycial work.

  8. 1 or 2. doesn't matter.

  9. I need challenges, so mentally would be good for me. I like to learn new things all the time. Or at least as much as I can.

  10. I prefer mental work- I want to be a surgeon which involves a lot of physical elements- 17 hour operations not being for the faint of heart, nor sleeping in spurts when its convenient- but I suspect that the mental aspects are quite challenging, thus intriguing...

    I'm in the Army right now, and my job requires neither thought nor emotion- physical work only kind of, we're required to work out and pass a PT test every six  months but that's just for health and mission purposes, not the job... so yeah this pretty much is the suck.

  11. Female -- I prefer to work mentally. I'm a logical thinker and love to exercise my brain by reading (not that crappy romance stuff), writting, and I, for fun, read legal dictionaries and study latin.

    There's just some sort of magic behind genuine logic.

  12. For me, just about anything that doesn't involve sitting behind a desk.

  13. Mental and usually a little physical as well. I take other things into account however. How can I best use my abilities? How can I help the most people? What job would provide the most security for me and the people I love?

    Things I don't look at so much

    Which job do I feel happiest doing

    How can I make the most friends

    Whats easier

    What gives me more freedom

    I figure theres rewards and drawbacks no matter what you choose to do. I do whats right for me.

  14. When I was younger, physical and interesting; nowadays, mental/emotional and interesting.

    Physical energy levels are lower now, but the brain still works (usually).

    Cheers :-)

  15. I like physical work best of all, outdoor work, hard work.  Romping, landscaping, canoeing, challenging climbs, building decks, masonry, building anything.  But, I'm best at the emotional stuff, getting people through horror in one piece, so to say.  I have a talent, it seems, in that regard.  I'm weakest intellectually, at least three times slower on the uptake as most people, so I work on that all the time.

  16. That's really hard to pick. I like a challenge so I like work that pushes me physically, mentally and emotionally but doesn't break me.

  17. I like a job that is mostly mental, but requires some hands-on work as well. For example, being on the radio allows me to say what's on my mind, but I also love operating the board.

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