
Men: Would you notice a cat in your home if it were dressed up as a small child?

by  |  earlier

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Or would you know it's a cat?

Just trying to pull a fast one on my husband...




  1. it would be immediately recognizable as dinner!.. so yes...

  2. i wouldn't notice but i like cats more that kids...  

  3. Yes I would notice

  4. Train it to fetch beers from the fridge and mow the lawn and I would pretend not to notice.

  5. lol, yes i would know it is a cat.

  6. i'd notice. put it under ur shirt and say ur preg. then pull it out and say oops i cheated on u

  7. Are u going to tell him that u just adopted?

  8. sounds great you should so do it. And I think I would notice.

  9. Stop using me in your cheap marital love ploys.

    I feel so, so very used ..........



  10. Here's what I did when I wanted a cat ... (you should try works!)

    My father always hated cats (even though we had some when I was a child...when they died he swore we'd never have any more), anyway, I'd been longing for another cat for yonks ... it was coming up to my 13th birthday ...  aaand as luck would have it a *friend had just had some ginger kittens... on my birthday off I went to fetch said kitten...I returned home with kitten in my arms...plonked him down on the table in front of my dad and said 'Daddy, it's my birthday today and this is what I'm having ...okay?'

    'Okay' he said...and went back to reading the newspaper!

    Six months later we had several more cats too! :-)

    Sooo ... Go and get a cat! Doooo it! Everyone should have a least one cat!

  11. I'd like to tell you I'd notice but in all honesty, I probably wouldn't.

    EDIT:  Don't tell him anything.  He'll just assume you've always had a cat, that's your kid, or whatever.

  12. I don't think I've ever wanted Kevin more than I do right now.

    Just teach the cat to stand really still and tell your husband it's a statue you bought at a flea market.

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