
Men and Women how much logic do you have?

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This is a question that takes a lot of logic to figure out. It is a quote and I would like to know how both sexes will interpret this quote.

"A contradiction cannot exist in reality. Not in part, nor in

whole...To believe in a contradiction is to abdicate your belief in the existence of the world around you and the nature of the things in it, to instead embrace any random impulse that strikes your fancy, to imagine something is real simply because you wish it were. A thing is what it is, it is itself. There can be no contradictions. In reality, contradictions cannot exist. To believe in them you must abandon the most important thing you possess, your rational mind. The wager for such a bargain is your life. In such an exchange, you always lose what you have at stake."

Now could you all interpret this if you can make sense of it.

Hopefully this will end the constant bickering on here about which s*x has the most logic.




  1. People don't believe in a contradiction, they believe in what they understand.

  2. The appearance of a contradiction is the beginning of investigation

  3. It just says the same thing over and over again:

    There are no contradictions and to believe otherwise makes you delusional for your whole life.

    I don't see what the issue is, it makes perfect sense.

  4. I don't know about proving which gender possesses more logic, but it supports that although men and women are created equal, men and women are not equal with respect to abilities which is not in itself, a contradiction - therefore true.

    Being unequal in abilities does not designate one gender being better than the other - just different.  Another truth, not a contradiction.

    women having different abilities, does not support being paid less while doing the same work as men.  Truth.

    a woman's tendency to be emotional does not imply that she's incapable of being logical.  I'm a woman and I am both - nor does a man's tendency to be logical imply that he's incapable of feeling emotions.  No contradictions.  

    Difference does not contradict.

  5. I'm a full fledged vegetarian but i eat fish on Sundays.

    That is for sure a contradiction.

  6. Basically states that there is an inherent truth to all existence despite our perceptions.

    The viewpoint is called 'Realism' and the philosophical discussion is called 'Epistemology'(with some Ontology).

  7. Contradictions exist because things are opposites, and opposites don't exist in reality; they're creations of the human mind.

    If we were to accept a fundamental contradiction in reality it would shatter our minds, and our minds dictate our reality.

    That's what I think.  Don't agree with everything in that quote, though.

  8. I think people are looking at your avatar more than reading what you wrote! HAHA

    I disagree, therefore I contradict that statement. Without contradiction, there could be no hypocrisy.

    Yeah - I know - I got nuthin...:)

  9. This is just like the theory about truth.  Because people see things from different views they see different "truths".  However in reality there is only one.

  10. It means don't worry if someone for instance says something about you that is not true. Don't kick a dead dog (a untrue comment). It is what it is. Contradictions don't exist because they are the opposite of reality.

  11. You are way tooooooooooooooo deep for me.....

  12. The quote is simply saying a contradiction cannot exist because the clause constituteing the alleged contradiction in fact indicates a contradiction-less state of being.

    For example, to take from Mr. Ball a little, "I'm a vegitarian, but I eat chicken".  Is that a contradiction?  No, because the person who said it, assuming he didn't lie about eating chicken, is not in fact a vegitarian at all because he eats the said chicken.  (FYI I didn't use the fish example here because some cultures don't believe fish constitutes meat.)

  13. I'm simply shocked that this question was posed by the same person who suggested for a woman who was concerned about people taking advantage of her to carry a mack-11.   All....righty..then...!!!!

  14. That was too much for me to read, but to answer the invitational question, I'm not a logical thinker at all. Much more emotional if you ask me. Good q.

  15. It means that in every situation, there is only one right answer, with no room for interpretation.

  16. The weakness in this dogmatic statement is that we do not understand,  identify and interpret reality perfectly.  A is A and not B, it preaches.  But what exactly is A?  Our perceptions are anything but perfect, accurate, or foolproof.  What we understand of reality is superficial and basically a naming function, mainly.  In other words, to say something is a contradiction is to imply that I understand the items that supposedly contradict each other sufficiently well enough to be positively certain of my stubborn claim to omniscience. Or is it merely a mind game?

  17. Hang on, hang on, hang on.... this is much easier than you're making it out to be.

    "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."  -- Sir Isaac Newton.  Just because contradictions cancel each other out, it doesn't mean they didn't happen.  A theorist would say that if you take a step forward and a step backward you haven't taken a step - a practical person such as myself would look at the absolute value of the situation and say that you have taken two steps.

  18. Sounds like a bunch of drivel. Not only is it drivel but its FALSE. To say contradictions don't exist is to say hypocrisy doesn't exist.

    And we all know how hypocritical people (and feminists!) can be.

    So from a logical stand point, that quote is a load of c**p.

  19. It seems pretty self-explanatory to me.  It's saying that things are what they are.  You can't believe two different things about something.  It's not logical to believe in contradictions.

    Am I missing something?  It doesn't seem that hard to me.

    I don't totally agree with it, but that's not what you asked.

  20. Get off that wizard c**p

  21. hehe hogwash. Life by it's very nature is a contradiction.

         The view that contradictions cannot exist comes from a more primitive age.

         Back when they thought the earth was at the center of existence and the whole of the world was in harmony.

          A rational mind would be able to both appreciate the humor in life's contradiction and strive to understand them.

    An irrational mind would try to ignore the fact that they exist, because a mind that can't function rationally will always fall back on dogma and other backwards form of "logic".

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