
Men and birth control pills?

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Okay, my husband and I were cleaning the house together and we came across a full package of birth control pills (I have never started it because I got pregnant a year ago). I was going to toss it until my husband jokingly said he was going to take them. To that, I jokingly dared him to take them with me for a month (I start my pack on Sunday). The moron accepted the dare!! The problem is, I don't want him to take them and I know he doesn't either, but neither of us wants to back down. My question is, what would happen if he did take it (Yasmin) for a month and only a month. If push comes to shove, I will back down to avoid him messing himself up, but if the results are temporary and minor, he's on his own! In fact, I will laugh if he starts to develop small b***s as long as they go away.




  1. If he takes the pills his ding-a-ling is gonna stop working!  LOL!!

  2. You 2 sound VERY immature & need to grow up.

  3. Well B.C contains a high amount of estrogen so in the course of taking them he might develop a little pudge around the breast area not full on **** but you know man b***s, if he takes it long enough his features will soften and so will his body(not much to notice) h**l become moody and his voice will get a bit softer

  4. Birth control pills are the hormones which are found in greater quantities in women than men, so depending on how much is taken, the effects could vary. If a man takes one pill, not much will happen. Perhaps he might feel funny, or show maybe some more feminine characteristics (like slight breast/pectoral growth, for example) but it will go away after a short while. If taken on a regular basis, a man will show signs of becoming more feminine looking, and will start changing his body chemistry. And the effects will last longer because of the buildup of artificial hormones in his body. He probably would not be able to produce viable sperm (and perhaps not even have a s*x drive), because the testosterone in his system is being counteracted by the estrogen and progesterone.

    So what happens in essence is that a man starts to become physically more womanly in taking of birth control pills. One will not have much of an effect, but regular taking will.

  5. You guys sound like me and my husband...but we know when to back down!

    I know when a man is having a s*x change, he takes female hormones beforehand to cause his body to grow b*****s and to decrease the amount of body hair he has.  It also can affect his s*x drive and ability to perform.  And I know that birth control pills contain female since he's not planning to have his johnson cut off, it doesn't sound like a good idea for him to take your pills.  Who knows if there's enough hormones in there to do him any harm?  but who wants to take the chance?

    Just tell him you asked online and heard that he would probably have no s*x drive or wouldn't be able to get it up while he was taking them, and that will be enough to discourage him.

  6. Grow up

  7. That's immature and if anyone takes medication they aren't suppose to, it may cause health problems.

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