
Men and childbirthing

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is their something wrong with me. i am a 20 year old man and i get turned on by pregnancy and watching birth. is this bad and i dont know why.

I am turned on by how the baby makes it into the world and how women can do what they do




  1. That's an admirable admiration. Keep it and be proud.  

  2. wow what are u thinking when ur watching it? Don't go making babies so u can see it live okay!  I think its exciting but not a turn on. Ive had 3 and ive watched 2 of them be born and watched 6 all together!

  3. I was in the birthing room with my wife for both of our sons.  Birth is one of the most beautiful things happening a new life coming into the world.  I know my wife was in pain and I could feel her pain.  If you really love someone you feel their pain.  But there was also great joy.  Holdiong this new born baby (9lbs 5 oz and 8lb 8 oz) Its a wonderful feeling that can't be described

  4. Nothing wrong with that--most men are either sickenedby it or intrigued--just don't get too into it to bring babes in this world till ready--I suggest 27 years old--and married.

  5. Everybody has their own fetishes...Don't worry about it too much. Just dont go do anything crazy about it.  

  6. i think that it is just a faze that u are going to

  7. haha awesome! appreciating it...totally normal...being "turned on" by it is a bit worrisome.

  8. Everyone has there turns ons...?

  9. Time to start preparing to get married, son.

  10. If you're turned on sexually, that's, well, unusual, to say the least.  No, it's not "normal" in the sense of being average.  Whether or not it's "normal" in the sense of psychologically healthy, I don't know.  However, it's not weird at all to be fascinated by it.  Birth is something that is still kind of taboo to want to watch, especially if you're a man.  If you're a guy, you're supposed to be grossed out by anything having to do with the female reproductive system (or that's the message men get from society in general, I think).  To be fascinated by it, though, is not only normal but to be encouraged.  While birth is an intensely personal thing, we also don't usually get to be privy to it unless it's our own children.  I think it's understandable to experience a little bit of excitement (and I don't mean this in a sexual way) when we get to have a glance at something so private and rare.  Maybe that kind of fascination and excitement for you is getting translated into sexual energy?  

  11. I say nothing wrong.  It sometimes turns me on too.

    Everything about women is s**y.  Their bodies are fascinating.

  12. It is interesting to watch but when it turns you on ...... that is sick !  

  13. Are you serious?  That is disgusting!  You should be ashamed of your self.


  15. yuo should be amazed at what wemon do what they do i havent had one yet but it is horable thinking about squeezing and 9 lb organism out of a hole the size of a quarter!

  16. Everyone has their own fetishes.

  17. you sick sick b*****d. you need some help and quick.

  18. Really,I was in the room when my daughter was born and found it horrific,I love my wife and daughter but holy smokes did that freak me out,but to each his own,we all like different things,I wouldn't say its bad its just what you like,actually the way you explain makes me see how someone could like it

  19. I've heard of men loving the thought and sight of a pregnant women but I have yet to meet one that was turned on by a 6-9 lb baby(give or take a few lbs) coming out of an opening the size of a lemon(if that)...if anything the only men I've known or talked to actually got kinda sick watching that.But hey,to each their own I guess.
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