
Men and jodphurs?

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also, what do men prefer wearing while riding




  1. Most men I know prefer to ride in jeans and chaps, unless they happen to be showing or competing in one or more of the English or Olympic disciplines. One of the other writers hinted at something which I know to be only too true- that many men will avoid horses and riding altogether because they mistakenly believe that they will be required to wear breeches all the time. Depending on how they are made, breeches can make a man look rather feminine, which is unfortunate, because it helps perpetuate the myth that riding and horse sports are only for men who are either g*y or bisexual. That myth is largely what's behind the disparity in the gender balance which has permeated much of the sport horse industry these days. There is a reason why for every one man who competes in sports like dressage and eventing, there are as many as 10 women. Horse sports are seen as being suitable for sissies, and the abscense of strong role models in the sport tends to keep young boys from trying to ride.

    As for jodphurs- those are no longer used by anyone these days except kids under the age of 10. Jodphurs are a carryover from the 1940's, when it was common for riders of either gender to wear them. Nowadays, breeches are the norm in English sports. I personally wear jeans for schooling and training, because they are comfortable and inexpensive to buy and care for. Breeches are expensive, and they often require dry cleaning instead of washing, which is an additional expense- so I only wear those if I am planning to show or compete. The male riders I have known or seen usually feel more or less the same as I do, though there are men who are comfortable riding or teaching in breeches.

  2. It depends what kind of riding we are talking about.

    I know a lot of men dressage riders and jumper who school their horses in chaps, but show attire requires men to wear breeches and tall boots.  I can't say I would laugh my head off if i saw a cowboy riding in breeches.

    Men in breeches don't leave much to the imagination...if you know what I mean.

  3. most men school there horses in chaps. But show jumping and dressage have the long boots.
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