
Men and pregnancy/babies, opinions?

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I have read a few different questions and answers and have noticed that the general opinion of a lot of people seems to be that the father of a baby is not entitled to an opinion, but should be willing to accept responsibility financially. Forgive me if I have misinterpreted but it's how it comes across. I am 33 weeks pregnant and have consulted my bubs dad on everything the whole way and don't think it would be fair not to. One person was asking opinions about having her mother in the birth room but her husband didn';t want this and the mainstream answer was you're having the baby not him??? Another was asking about why men would want to have an abortion and the mainstream answer there was because they don't want to accept responsibility/pay child support. Just beacuse they aren't carrying the baby doesn't mean they aren't a part of it and yet people are happy to complain when the guy isn't supportive enough or doesn't want to be a part of it, perhaps it is our own fault for making them feel that way. I'm just curious to know if this really is the general opinion or not? What are your thoughts?

PS - If I have misinterpreted answers/opinions I'm sorry not intending to am just curious.




  1. I agree, but on a legality note, until the baby is living/breathing outside of the womb, it is only considered property, and the mother's personal rights to do what she wants with her body supercede those rights of the expectant father. However, once the baby is born, it is a human being and is the legal responsibility of both parents. As for the wanting their mother in the delivery room, first time pregnancy can be scary and a woman knows that her husband is not equipped to give advice in that area while her mother is. It is a sad thing that men will never experience pregnancy and childbirth, but because it is not him who has an 8 lb child being ripped from his loins, then I think he doesn't have the same say. So I guess I don't completely agree with you, but I do think both parents should have some say or at least be forced to discuss whether or not to abort the fetus not just the mom.

  2. well, i believe that the man should have some say, but the women has much more say.  

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