
Men and women, Republicans, etc., why do you support Palin?

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Here is why I do NOT.

-She doesn't appeal to me, and I am a female. I don't know how she can appeal to any woman that is not a soccer mom, a PTA mom, a house/trophy wife, etc. She is strictly pro-life and I don't see how ANY Hillary supporter or any female could genuinely like her.

-She is very contradictory. My mom and I watched an interview of her on CNBC last night, and she was talking about Obama/Biden's naive plan to start quickly getting all these alternative energy sources. Any energy plan is going to take a while, so it is redundant of her to say that. But then she went on blabbering about all the oil in Alaska, and she admitted that it would take a while to get those resources as well! She also mentioned oil, natural gas, and COAL. COAL?! Exactly what we and the environment do not need. Of course it's good to not be so dependent on foreign resources, but COAL?!

-Let me continue with the coal. Her pride for being an Alaskan resident is very loud and clear, yes? I'm sure many native Alaskans (she's not even born there) who value the natural beauty of their state HATE the idea of people drilling there. She says that everything she does is for the Alaskan people. Well if that were the case, why is she ignoring what I'm sure many of them are thinking/saying/outcrying about drilling?

-My mom and I watched her uncharismatic and bombastic speech as well, and she (subtly) mentioned her son enlisting in the Army and being deployed to Iraq soon. Enlisted. Which means he didn't go to college and will be making about $1500/mo as a soldier and living in a dangerous, scary environment. Which means he will probably suffer from PTSD like so many soldiers have. Which means she didn't push her son to go to college -- as if she REALLY wanted him to go to Iraq. She pimped her son out for personal gain and I find that absolutely despicable and the least maternal-like thing to ever do.

-She calls the town she ran a CITY. The last time I checked, a town of 9,000 was not a city. I'd like her to be mayor of Dallas or Atlanta or h**l, even NYC, and then MAYBE she would be higher in my book.

-She is inexperienced. If McCain were to die, we'd have this rambling idiot running our country. She's worse than Bush. She's worse than Cheney. She's a HORRIBLE choice.

-HER ONLY SELLING POINT IS HER CONNECTION TO OFFSHORE OIL. In her interview, she was disgustingly rehearsed.

I am just waiting for a McCain/Palin s*x scandal to come out.




  1. Resources are why the USA bought Alaska from the Russians to begin with.  Palin wants Alaska to do its part in this country and offer its resources and she has an 80% approval rating in Alaska.

    Palin has sued the US government because they've allowed the environmental extremists to put Polar Bears on the protected spieces list when they're not endangered -- the language is that IF this melts or this happens, the Polar Bear population COULD decrease.  It's bunk.  And the enviros themselves have admitted that they're trying to control drilling and other concerns by using the Polar Bears.

    The area they are wanting to drill in is roughly 2000 acres, a drop in the bucket to beautiful Alaska, the state with more land mass than any other, and it's not a proven fact that it will harm anything.  

    There's a dishonest agenda going on with environmentalists and she's taking them to task for it.  She's started a Get off Arab Oil movement all on her own, and she's got the resources to back it up.  Pretty impressive, and that's why she was chosen -- because of her aggression to DO instead of just take her salary and go along with the status quo.  In fact, she ousted politicians who weren't doing their jobs.  And they were Republicans

    The rest of your rant is simply personal attacks on her and I won't address it.  But yes, all of us might feel more comfortable if Obama had governed *anything* a small town, Dallas, whatever -- more than a small community in South Chicago that has increasingly become the most violent area in the USA since Obama has been there.

  2. Wow! No agenda in your question!

    You made a huge amount of assumptions that I find frankly appalling... And your obvious disdain for the military being among the more notable. I can tell you as an AF Retiree myself, that there are a lot of KIDS that are not ready for college. The military matures them. When they come back they are ready to apply themselves and often do better than if they go to college right out of high school. Not to mention that military will help cover the education. Remember, the Palins are not Washington elitists. They are not rich... and they have 5 kids. I'm sure they are trying to instill self-responsiblity and accountability in their kids at an early age... something I wish more parents would do.

    I find the Dems hysteria over Palin quite amusing AND enlightening. You can't handle a strong woman GOP candidate.

  3. Wow what a rant

    McCain Palin will WIN in 08

    PS: you meant the Clinton-Lewinsky, Edwards- Hunter s*x scandals  

  4. She is a very strong woman but she is a little too conservative for my tastes.

  5. People need to get over the prolife issue.  She's a Republican.  OF course she is pro life.  If you are strongly prochoice then you were never going to vote Republican anyways so it doesn't matter.   All of the sudden you pro choicers are getting all uppity about the woman being pro life.  But guess what that's her choice isn't it?  I mean by your very stance, she has that right doesn't she?   You guys get less upset when a man is pro life, i.e in your view a man telling you what to do with "your body" is less offensive to you than a woman doing that.   How is that at all in favor of women?  

    I mean the depth of argument that can go on between about abortion is extreme but you could counter your argument that anyone prolife is against women by coming up with many equally valid reasons that pro choice is against women.  Roe herself, abortion queen, came back and said that abortions hurt women and should be repealed.   It's stupid to suddenly focus on this now just because it's a woman's view and then try and claim that you are pro woman.  It's clearly sexist that it only matters this much when a woman does it but not when a man does.  Give me a break.

  6. She is a Washington outsider. And as a former Hillary supporter she appeals to me.

    If you want to rant, start a blog elsewhere.

  7. She is a true conservative.

    I take it from your long list of dislikes that you won't be voting for the McCain/Palin ticket.

    Good envious rant, though.

  8. minor nitpick, pretty much every politician up there is for drilling in Alaska (at least publicly). The whole state runs off of profit from oil companies, so  nobody can last long who stands up to the oil companies. Palin also spoke out against a clean water initiative in her state because she is apparently also beholden to mining interests. I'm just highly skeptical of any politician that comes from that state, the same one who brought us Ted Stevens and Don Young, and Palin doesn't seem to be above the corruption that is all around her.

  9. Well she does make me want to vote for McCain.  Simply because she is "outside" the beltway and thats a benefit not a hinderence.  She really is the only candidate on the two tickets with experience in governing at the executive level.  The left says she has no experience and yet she has more then Obama.  I love her stance on the issues, for McCain is far too liberal for me and she is a real conservative - its nice knowing we have a real conservative on the ticket.  

  10. this is getting reported....

    Um well she has a 80% approval rating, has shown to reform her state by cutting wasteful spending and lowering taxes, has tried to help Alaska help give America its energy independence. She was raised in Alaska, and is very pro-family. And she has had more accomplishments then Obama, who has done nothing. And what do you have against small towns?

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