
Men and women can go crazy in different ways and for different reasons. What's your situation?

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  1. w/salaam

    my situation RIGHT NOW is....

    my internet is so d**n slow!!!!!!!!

    its driving me crazy!!!!!


    can u fix it plz?

    pretty pretty pretty plz, with a cherry on top? :)

  2. I am ok

  3. I'm not crazy.

    I A M P A R A N O I D .


  4. When people keep me waiting for ages, when I can get there on time or keep to my appointment. It drives me nuts.

  5. My answer

  6. When my house is treated like a hotel!!! ARgh  

  7. ppl only go crazy bcause they wanna go mad!!!!!!

  8. Muslims go crazy when they see a yank or white european who is better than them.  They can't stomach the fact that to be successful one has to work NOT pray 5 times a day.  Now this is crazy to us in the west for muslims to blow themselves up to please allah!

  9. Lol hhaha wenn am listening to niche and in a carr lOl

    get mad get maddd lol

  10. I go crazy over Shahid Kapur. <3333333333333333333

  11. Yes........I am crazy

  12. when i dont get my way lol

  13. I get crazy and frustrated when my call (to the bank) gets transferred to some dodgy call centre in India. Arghh!  

  14. Um.......I'd go crazy if my friend showed up here for a surprise visit!

    I hope she is having fun!

  15. im crazy?

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