
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus...???

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My mother told me I should read this book, but I see some people say its not that good. Anyone read it? Think I should read this one, or is there another book similar I should check out?




  1. I read it but found most of it irrelevent.  My husband posseses quite a lot of qualities that the author ascribes to women, and I have some that he ascribes to men.  I think most human beings are more complex than these rather simplistic self-help books make out.

  2. Never take someone else's opinion about a book you have not read. Your mother is not you and there might be a great deal you can get from this book, and IMO, it is one of the best and clearest re gender differences.

  3. There is a fundamental flaw in books written about relationships: they assume that all men and all women will act exactly the way they describe. In the end, there are only individuals. Don't read this one or anything else you find on that shelf. Just live it.

  4. Author got their facts messed up...see men and woman are from earth.

  5. and Cassius is from Uranus.

    EDIT: Yes you may block me Cassius but you sharn't get away from me mwahahaha

  6. Although I generally discount books like that, there were some very basic points that illustrates the differences between men and women.  And it never hurts to understand the opposite s*x...

  7. Understanding the opposite s*x is wasted time. The best we can do is to try and learn and understand the ONE we love.

  8. Does this mean that NASA is sexist for trying to send a manned mission to Mars but not Venus.

  9. it sounds like one of these stupid books that go on about how women live to buy shoes and talk. i despise clothes shopping and am not a big talker so this wouldn't be my cup of tea. if you're into stereotypes though it could be just the thing

  10. It's a bunch of cliche-ridden c**p. If you feel like you are the sort of person whose intellectual and emotional life has been formed entirely through consumption of low-brow, popular culture trash entertainment, it could be very useful for you (and you very well might be--a sadly high percentage of people are). Otherwise, learn to understand yourself and learn to understand individual people as individuals.

  11. Professor is correct John Gray got his diploma from a diploma mill. And is selling snake oil. He is an effeminate male. Mostly he tells Men to Listen to Women. Wow what an insight. Let them share their feelings (Women are as a rule more emotive than Men). And Women worry does he really love me, want me, while he is thinking. "How does that Fly hang upside down defying the Laws of physics"???

    We process information flow differently. Not wrong, differently. Women want Men to think like Women, be masculine like Men, and enjoy their Female preferred activities. We don't. Deal with it.

  12. Be warned:  The guy that wrote it got his degree from a diploma mill.

  13. If you want to become a L*****n ,feminist ,man hater , this is the place to get your reading list.

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