
Men are only color blind?

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is it true only men can be color blind?




  1. both sexes can get the allele for colorblindness.

    it is carried on the X chromosome and since a male is XY, if one parent has the allele he will be colorblind. a female is XX so both parents need to have the allele.

  2. No, it can occur in both sexes.

  3. No,

    Women, are the carrier of this in their genes, and are pass it on to their children, some of them get it others dont. But only the women will have it in their genes.

    Men and Women can get it.

    most likely men though.

  4. My 9 year old stepdaughter is colorblind and it's sad because it truly is a disability. We didn't know why she was failing questions like how many red circles are there? She couldn't tell the difference between red and dark blue. Now we know.

    So yes, girls can be colorblind.

  5. No women can be color blind but it is much more common in men.

  6. Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard....Who the h**l told you that.

    (im not calling you stupid, just what you said)

  7. So far stylus' post was the most accurate.

    There are several different forms of colorblindness. Color blindness is a recessive trait. The gene causing this is located on the X chromosome (the s*x chromosome aka the 23rd pair). Like other dominant-recessive modeled traits, the individual has to lack a dominant allele for the trait in order to exhibit the colorblindness (in other words, they must only have the recessive gene).

    Unlike the autosomes (the other 22 pairs of chromosomes in humans) the there are two different kinds of s*x chromosomes. The longer X chromosome and the shorter Y chromosome. Any individual having a 'Y' chromosome will be a male.

    SO, all males are XY and all females are XX. Notice the Male has only one X chromosome. It is because of this that the colorblindness (and baldness for another example) is more frequent among males. Becasue they only have one X chromosome, if they inherit an X chromosome with this recessive gene then they WILL be color blind.

    Comparatively, females have 2 X's, which essential means they have an extra chance to not be color blind. The can inherit one X chromosome containing the recessive gene, but so long as the other has the dominant form they will not be color blind. The female has to have both X chromosomes be recessive

    In order for there to be a chance of having a female who is color blind, the father HAS to be color blind himself and the mother has to be at least a carrier for colorblindness (have at least one of her two X chromosomes carrying the recessive gene).


    In autosomal chromosomes, there can only be homozygotes and heterozygotes. When dealing with the s*x chromosomes a thrid term is thrown in there which applies to the male; this term is "hemizygous". This basically means that there is a single copy of a gene. Since males only have one X chromosome there is are not 2 alleles to deal with, as is the case with most of the other traits studied in genetics.

    Hope this sums everything up for ya.

  8. women can be colorblind too, but the dad and mother both have to carry the hidden gene and pass it on

    (x is the colorblind gene and o isnt)

    xo+xo=xo or xx or oo

    xo can be half colorblind or not colorblind at all, xx is when you are fully colorblind, oo is when you dont have the gene at all and have normal vision

  9. More men than woman are color blind. But I think that some woman can be color blind.

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