
Men are somewhat handicapped in the workforce concerning their strength- what are women handicapped on?

by  |  earlier

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What I mean by this is that employers of jobs who require strength (fire-persons etc..) don't hire an all male staff- even though the employers certainly could fill those positions using only qualified men (possibly more qualified than the women who are hired in the positions) if they wanted to.

My question now is, what are some of the positions in which women are handicapped in effort to help men attain jobs? What are some of the inherent skills of women which employers will handicap to give men a better opportunity of landing work?




  1. How is being physically stronger a handicap?

    Be quiet.

    Go fix me a sandwich.

  2. There isn't any - Apart from a few males being physically bigger and stronger than some females, there is not other gender-specific handicaps I know of.

    What's your point?

  3. Women are clearly handicapped by reproductive biology i.e. the fact that if they want children they need to take time out of work, and the fact that many women suffer from PMT making them difficult (e.g. petty arguments) and unreliable (e.g. increased sick leave).

    I really don't know why motherhood isn't considered just as important as any career - the care and attention given to a child in its first two years are absolutely essential to its healthy psychological development

    Without good mothers a society falls apart.

  4. wait i dont understand what your talking about men being handicaped firemen?

    and clvr1001, please you give us to little credit, look at this realisticly its not just some males are bigger and sronger then females, it most males are bigger and stronger then most woman

  5. I cant think of any really. The womenfolk will not understand what you are asking. You need to put the question into womanspeak.

  6. you know that handicapped is not good right? it means that something is a challege for you, maybe you should repost this question better.

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