
Men are women on steroids ?

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I forgot what I was watching (or even if I heard correctly), but I recall the narrator describing that during the early weeks in the womb, men are actually genetically female and that at a certain number of weeks, get a boost in testosterone that define the gender. Is this true? Thanks!




  1. ...

  2. Sort of, in the early stages the gender is impossible to determine, theres sort of this lump that either develops into male or female genitals later on

  3. Yes, The presence of a Y chromosome from a male infused with a female X chromosone changes the s*x of a fetus.  The fetus grows gonads and testosterone is a hormone used to supress the growth of female trates in fetuses.

    Eggs are all essentially the same s*x until the reception of the Y chromosone, then some of us grow gonads and wee willie wackers.

    Sexual dimorphism is the systematic difference in form between individuals of different s*x in the same species. Examples include  the presence or absence of parts of the body used in courtship.

    Dimorphism comes from two Greek words, di meaning two and morph meaning form. Thus, sexual dimorphism basically refers to two forms of s*x, male and female.

    The somatic sexual phenotype is the development of the individual as either male or female.

    Eggs contain only one X chromosome; if the sperm introduces another X into the egg the embryo will be a female and if a Y is introduced, the embryo will be a male.

    The presence of a Y chromosome results in the somatic cells of the embryo's gonads developing into testes rather than into oocytes.

    The testes secrete anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH or Mullerian-inhibiting substance), which suppresses further female development, and testosterone, which stimulates development of male reproductive organs.

    Specification of a gonad as a testis is controlled by a single gene on the Y chromosome, the s*x-determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY).

  4. lol click here to find out;...

  5. yes, i believe the first organ formed is the clitoris. if the baby is meant to be female, it turn into a female baby obviously. if not the p***s grows larger, then into a p***s.

  6. Gender is determined by the 23rd pair of chromosomes(XX for a girl,  XY for a boy). Steroids or hormones have nothing to do with it.

  7. I have heard the same thing as an explanation of why men have nipples but I have no idea if it's really true.

  8. ?

  9. no. not true. ur a weirdo. lets just get that established kid.

  10. it is. but viceversa

  11. basically.

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