
Men: are you comfortable, or would you be comfortable being a stay at home dad?

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why or why not?




  1. No, NEVER. I will not be able to accept that I am not working and someone is working for me.  

  2. this should be ok for men or women

  3. Men are expected to be the providers, and I would feel uncomfortable having no income of my own. I would gladly accept help from a rich wife to market my novels, and I adore children, but the economic issue is problematic. Being supported by someone else makes you dependent, and that can become very scary.

  4. No.

    Men and women are wired differently. Boys and girls have distinctively different behavioral patterns that are apparent - almost from birth.

    If two men meet on the street, within a few minutes, the conversation will change to their jobs. This is because that is how men identify themselves.

    If two women meet on the street, within a few minutes the conversation will almost inevitably turns towards family and children This is because women find their identity in the relationships that they have with others.

    While there will always be exceptions to the rule, men will generally be happier working and women will be more content to be the stay-at-home parent.

  5. I think this choice too lies with women.

    Makes no sense for a man to be able to make such a choice, given the current state of biased laws.

  6. As a woman, I wouldn't be comfortable having a man not paying his way in my house.

    In fact, I'd prefer that he make at least as much as I did, if not more

  7. No, if divorce should occour, she will have custody and I will be slapped with imputed child support and essentially have to move back with mom. If I will be treated as the primary caregiver in a divorce, I might consider it.

  8. i;ve been a stay at home dad for 8 yrs now and it has it's perks.and yes i pay bills$$$

  9. I don't know why people on this site get so hostile. This isn't exactly an offensive question lol. IMO, I would love to be a stay at home dad, and plan to. My gf is expecting a baby and wants to go back to work after 6 weeks. And we don't want to pay for daycare, so it doesn't matter who stays home with our son.

  10. no i wouldn't be comfortable staying home, my wife is far better at it than me, can get down to the childrens level, has the patience, developed that bond in the first 9 mos of their life and so on.  Men can do it, I don't believe as effectively as women.  Bones above is right, just because you didn't understand the answer doesn't give you the right to judge.  

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