
Men can not receive antenatal care is this s*x discrimination?

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Antenatal care: routine care for the healthy pregnant woman

Discrimination on basis of gender




  1. Another question about biological differences Bella?

    There is no discrimination if the person can not receive the services because of his/her physiology?

    Chuckling quietly to myself.......

  2. Um, no.  I mean, I can't get prostate exams and I am just fine with that.  (-:

  3. No, its not discriminatory since it's the woman thats pregnant and has given birth to the baby.

  4. Blatant prejudice.

    Silly sausages can't get antenatal care either.

    Nor can pregnant fish.

    Unless they live in a very spacious aquarium with a rich benefactor.

  5. No. Men can't get pregnant, antenatal care is not for men. It's about as much discrimination as a woman not being able to get a prostate exam.

    Is this a serious question??

  6. Since woman get pregnant by men, anti natal care given specificaly to woman still benefits men and the children born since a healthy mother and wife (or atleast baby momma) is far more useful to men then a dead one

  7. For the same reason that women can not be treated for prostate cancer, or non diabetics are not seen at the diabetes clinic or pediatricians are not treating old folk.

    It is targeted treatment aimed at providing a better service rather than discrimination.

    Big difference, no?

  8. Well, I would like to receive some antenatal care to those organs that helped me bring the new life.

  9. you're weird!!!

  10. Robert G love the marxist answer!!!

    at least males get paternity pay now. it's naff at £100 a week and only 2 weeks but its a start. a baby is a big shock to any family so males deserve some help/creadit/oppertunity to be involved as well.

  11. Women don't get prostrate cancer care either. Does that mean it is dicriminating to women? No, because men don't have babies and need no antinatel care, just as women do not have prostrates.

  12. Funny question.

    Here in the States, men have gained the right to have the same time off offered to women after having a baby.  This allows the Dads to take time off for an adopted child, or to care for wife, and new baby, or to take the time off after Mom returns to work, and stay home and care for the baby.

    The U.S. also now has the first pregnant man.

    Of course this "man" was born a female.  So I guess in the progressive United States "men" are allowed the exact same care as pregnant females....they just have to get pregnant.

    By the way, I think the "equality of the sexes" has gone too far and become silly.  Men and women ARE different.  As a woman, I certainly will not be going in, to have my prostate checked, and my husband will not be going in for a PAP smear.


  13. That is an excellent point.

    Perhaps once men start giving birth or a statistically significant portion of male parents exhibit pregnancy-related health problems (fistula, post-partum depression, prolapse of uterus, etc) we can finally put this grievous injustice to an end.

  14. well women... no matter how hard they try simply can not recieve any treatment for prostate cancer... Is that ALSO s*x discrimination?

    EDIT ... and the BS about America having the First Pregnant man .. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAPPOLA... The *guy* kept his female *BITS* so she/he could become pregnant ...

    THIS IS NOT THE WORLD'S FIRST PREGNANT MALE .. But the WORLD'S FIRST ( maybe ??? could have been people before him/her) Transgender person to be pregnant...

    WHEN a man .. that is BORN a man .. with ALL the MAN bits and NO Female Bits .. becomes Pregnant .. IS WHEN the world's first pregnant man exists ..

    (EDIT 2 the above is not intended as an attack on the person who mentioned the *pregnant man* .. I'm just a little tired of the SURPRISE and wonderment re the case)

  15. Men cannot physically give birth...unless it is a seahorse, so your little analogy doesn't fly.

  16. No but assuming that a father counts less than a mother would be s*x discrimination.

  17. No doubt it's discriminatory. Pregnant men should receive all of the antenatal care that they require.

  18. BTW, I get your point. Different, but equal. Took me a moment.

  19. No, it is not discrimination.    Just like women getting pap smears isn't.   Now refusing a male a mammogram would be.

  20. If a man were to get pregnant they would not discriminate against him.  However; at this time only women get pregnant so if the wording for antenatal treatment seems sexist it is only because pregnancy is a sexist condition that only affects women.

  21. I assume you're trying to prove a point. Are you not understanding the difference between "equal" and "identical," or are you trying to underscore the difference?

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