
Men- does any part of this quote seem comparable to the relationship you have with your daughter?

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"She sometimes calls me up 50 times a day and will ask me things that light up my life. But like all daughters, she is very manipulative and cunning. So she gets what she wants a lot."




  1. No. It doesn't seem like a healthy perspective at all

  2. I think it sounds like a whole lot of speculation. There’s another reason I don’t read magazines right there. Complete tripe; baseless, frivolous tripe. Why is it that when a woman works toward something or asks for something she is manipulating or cunning, little boys do the same thing and he is just asserting his authority. Bollocks to that.

  3. little girls are often more manipulative / cunning vs little boys.  Its human nature, upbringing etc.

    No big deal.  Move on.

  4. That's pretty sexist.  Would he refer to his son as "manipulative and cunning"?  Probably not: yet the famous 1532 political treatise by the Florentine public servant and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli called "The Prince" raised manipulation to an art form:

    "The Prince" seems to justify a number of actions done solely to perpetuate power. It is a classic study of power—its acquisition, expansion, and effective use."

    Now THERE'S cunning and manipulative: "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer".  Whatever it takes to acquire power, and to hang onto that power, is acceptable: "The theories expressed in "The Prince" describe methods that an aspiring prince can use to acquire the throne, or an existing prince can use to maintain his reign."

  5. Nope. My daughter is very young so she never calls me on the phone. And she isn't exactly manipulative. She's a preschooler so a bit of that behaviour is normal, but we are training it out of her. She does not get her way alot of the time.

    Whoever wrote that obviously hasn't met all daughters. Not all of us are manipulative and cunning! I wasn't.

  6. hahahaha

    i love it

    sounds like me and my father

    what is it about dads?

    they cant say no to their babys

    and batting eyes or saying pleaseeeeeeee daddy

    is al the manipulating a daughter needs to do!

  7. Neither my father nor I like talking on the phone so it's not true for us.

  8. Generalizations are seldom correct.

  9. my father an i don't have a relationship like that.  

  10. Well, my dad would say h**l yes, we're in contact with her everyday.  

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