
Men duties in egypt?

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Men duties in egypt?




  1. care for their family.

  2. Well, it would really depend on their class.  The majority of people in ancient Egypt were peasant farmers who worked the land, grew the crops, tended the cattle etc.  Then there were builders and stonemasons and craftsmen and artisans of various kinds.  Then there was the scribal class, which made up the literate middle class of men who would staff the vast Egytpian civil service, and the priesthood, and then there were the nobility, and at the top of the social hierarchy was the king, the Pharoah.

    I think the comment above which suggest that there were only two classes in Egypt is incorrect, it was more layered than that.  A carpenter would not have been considered in the same class as a scribe for instance.

  3. Men of differing social classes had various jobs. There were two groups: the non-elite who were poor and so could not afford an education and thus were unskilled and the elite who were educated and thus skilled.

    If you are referring to the common non-elite man of the lowest social status, then he was usually a farmer or a worker in times of need, e.g building buildings for the Pharaoh. Non-elite men were also soldiers, which was a full time occupation in the New Kingdom but in the Middle and Old Kingdoms men were placed in the army when the need to fight arose and would (hopefully) return back to their farms after the battle/war had been resolved.

    Elite men worked as priests, scribes, carpenters, gold/metal smiths, officials, army officers, overseers, architects, and various other occupations that required SKILL to be carried out.

    Hope i answered your question.
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