
Men: have you ever, or would you ever, called your lover "Mommy" while being intimate?

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If so please explain. Without a very good reason (like that is her real name) I am sorry but we will have to recall your genitals.




  1. It is definitely appropriate if its with your mom, otherwise no.

    Rio: "We agreed that parental terms would never, ever be used in the bedroom. Anyone who does that has serious issues".

    Yes, I always get girlfriends to sign a contract to this effect... (LOL!)

  2. Now way I ever would for two reasons:

    1.  It's g*y

    2.  I am not American, so was don't use the term "Mommy"  Only you do.

  3. Well just like Salty but Sweet answered, in Spanish, it's like sayin "babe" or "honey" to your girl... So I've called my girl "mami" a few times, but not when we're intimate... not even when we're being "playful" with each other... lol... but never the English "Mommy"...  

  4. That's a cool question.  I would be completely disgusted to invoke the name "mommy" while engaged in coitus, the thought of my mother would immediately lead to an abrupt drop in turgour and basically that would pretty much end the experience.  I'd probably need some scotch afterwards to help cope with the acute emotional toll of this situation.

    But that's just me.  I think as far as bedroom behaviour goes, whatever the couple wants to do is fine, so long as neither party objects to it.  If my partner wanted me to call me 'daddy' or to use naughty language during coitus, I'd be happy to oblige.

    Yeah, this business about having a formal discussion on the matter as if it were a bill being ratified is peculiar as all get out.  I don't even know what the h**l is happening to society.  The day I have to sit down and formally discuss which terms are acceptable or not in the bedroom whilst wearing business attire prior to engaging in coitus is the day I'll pretty much retire altogether.  Frankly, if there has to be a formal discussion on terminology which is appropriate in the bedroom, I'd rather just dunk my head in a toilet bowl than have this sort of absurd conversation.  I really prefer that my sexual behaviour isn't conducted like a bloody deposition.

    Such discussion should preempt coitus and be signed in triplicate and properly notarized.  Failure to obtain a notarized signature for the aforementioned agreement within 8 hours of the accepted terms of the agreement may or may not lead to criminal prosecution of the male gonads.  Tubal Litigation may or may not be a consideration as a matter of civil tort.  I wish that independent counsel be present during time of coitus in addition to Bas Rutten (Mixed Martial Arts Champion) in case there is a breach of contract during said coitus.  If that's not s**y, I sure as h**l don't know what is.

  5. No but if a woman wanted me to - Im not sure I would get chance to think about that before an Andy shaped hole appeared in first available exit point.

  6. you this is an approval that u want your girfriend to dominate you  

  7. We agreed that parental terms would never, ever be used in the bedroom. Anyone who does that has serious issues.

  8. I'm not a dude, but my fiance calls me Mami all the time. He's cuban and it's sort of a term of endearment in spanish. Hey, s**y mami is like saying, "Hey, s**y girl"!

  9. Well, one kid in my school was having his dress righted by his GF and she later ticked him off for getting cake on his clothes. I said, totally out of instinct: "Look who's getting scolded by his mommy!"

    They looked at each other, she blushed and ran out of the room.

    Mainly due to my ideas and beliefs, I don't I'm going to get intimate with anybody, but I think that comment actually helped my pal's relationship.

  10. Drack and double drack.  Never.

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