
Men if you were in love and the women wanted you to?

by  |  earlier

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She wanted you to wear a wedding gown and she would wear a tuxedo for the wedding ceremony, would you do it?

Remember, you're in love and it would make her so happy!




  1. unless the couple is into such things and thats what they both really wanted.

    What kind of woman would do that to her soon to be husband?

  2. I'm also a woman and my answer would be if you want to go ahead but honestly i don't understand why she would want to let you be the bride that's part of the woman thing i would never want to get married in a tux i want the gown and so i don't really get your woman i would ask her why it would make her happy and then make a decision after her answer if she can answer it good luck

  3. personally, I really like to know and to understand just 'Why' this need to swap identities would, as you simply put it, 'make her so happy'.

    The trigger mechanism for 'making her so happy' would be horribly suspect, and I'd have strong fears about her being a bunny boiler and waking up to something 'Orrible'.

    So, no, would be my answer.


  4. I'd rather go naked.  

    Please answer mine...

  5. It's a weird question... But if I were in love I would realize the wedding has very little to do with me, and is all about her. I'd put on a mini skirt and a sports bra if that's what she told me to wear.

  6. Humiliating your mate and being in love have no correlation in the first place. I'm not going to degrade myself for s**+ts and giggles for anyone.

    Ok now I'm going to wait for the twist where you add bull d**e psycho babble to the additional details.

  7. NO! If she loved me as much as I do her, then she would not extend her happiness at my expence fully knowing I would be totally miserable and unhappy.  I would feel differently ,maybe, at a halloween party, but not our wedding ceremony!

  8. I am not a man, but feel compelled to answer this anyway.  If you are in love, the happiness of both man and woman needs to be considered.  I would never ask my man to do anything that would embarrass him in anyway, nor would he ask me.  So, this would make her happy, but what about you?  Would you be comfortable with this arrangement?  If so, then, as unusual as this is, I would see no reason not to.  To each their own.

  9. I'd rather die alone on a cold, barren steppe with wolves howling in the distance. I don't care if it would make her ecstatic, my dignity is worth far more than anyone's caprices. I'd regret her insanity and walk away if I had to. d**n this hypothetical woman to h**l.

  10. No and I'm not taking her last name either.  There's got to be a line somewhere.

  11. If she loved me she wouldn't make me do it in the first no

  12. First off, no.

    Second off, I think you're a troll and you hate how many guys are wimps in the mind, so they're controlled by their girlfriends.

    Third, you came out of a bad relationship or have had bad ones in the past.

  13. Not a chance . If she really loved me back , that request would never be made.

  14. Nope.

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