
Men-is it wrong to seek reassurance from time to time?

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i'm a very confident, independent woman but occasionally i get these insecure moments and i think maybe my BF doesn't care about me as much as he says he does (he loves me but i don't love him yet) how do/would you feel if your GF asked if you still wanted to be with her??




  1. maybe thats why you get these moments of insecurites because you know he loves you but u dont love him

  2. If she asked me that I would feel like she was looking for a way out of the relationship without actually saying it hoping I would say no i dont want to be with you anymore.

  3. if she really loved me i would stay with her. i wouldnt leave her. never =D

  4. 1st my heart would sink to the floor (thinking the worst case scenario).

    then i would ask her why.but if my gf asked me that i would think she wanted to break up with me. its not wrong to seak reassurance, but not all the time. because then us guys will start to think, well d**n does she even like ME anymore? or is something up? you guys should definitely go out on a date, and spend some alone time. and if your still feeling that way, then you can ask him.

    good luck. ( it is normal)

  5. I would ask her exactly what she wanted in our relationship, if she is serious and if she could ever love me.   It would then depend on her answer as to how things go.

  6. its not wrong. he should be reassuring anyway. it doesnt matter if you'r the most confident person in the world every1 has insecurities and every1 needs complimented to make them selfs feel better. i would wonder why she asked if i still wanted to be with her but she probably just needs reassurance  

  7. No, I don't think it is wrong. If he doesn't show it all the time, it most likely doesn't mean he is not as interested as you think, sometimes we just take things for granted and either forget to show at certain moments or let other menial things take the focus instead. This is from personal experience, I was like that to my ex gf a little too much and she left me for another do i miss her and know now not to take that special person for granted.  

  8. If he's doing what he's supposed to be doing you shouldn't ever have to ask that.

  9. being insecure is a common thing in relationships. the fact your worried about someone having second thoughts is only a reflection of how much you care. The reason you probably feel that he might not is because your both comfortable in your relationship and most of the time your getting along fine.I've only been with my girlfriend for a year and a half and she has asked me this question before. its a bit freaky but only showed me how much she cared. Think of it this way if you didn't care about him then why would you ask.

    seeking reassurance is fine and its part of being human. all that me and my girlfriend did was chill out in bed and talked about it. you will feel alot better for it, if you dont and keep pondering on the question it eats at you and makes you think a situation is worse than it is and will most likely ruin it anyway.

    my main point: What good is a relationship if you cant talk about everything with a person who truly loves you.

  10. I don't think it's wrong at all.  I think it is an important thing for both.

  11. Usually when I have those moments I do ask my boyfriend things like that. He thinks I'm silly when I do ask, but he understands me, and won't hesitate to sweep me up with true reassurance. Sometimes relationships can be that strong to where you just want to hear it in the first place.

  12. I'd take it as a sign to make her an ex girlfriend and move on.


  13. If you don't love him YET, then why the h**l are you worried. It sounds more like its him that needs reassuring. How can you receive unconditional love if you won't give it.

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