
Men know that we lie, when, how & why: is it possible that women don’t know when they ARE dishonest?

by  |  earlier

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The Mrs.

You by now are a top contributor I see you often on Y/A.

Is this feeble ramblings suppose to be wit, is the reflections of your fear, would a little truth shatter you?

Can we say this represent the panicle of your ability to think? Lol

You let yourself down badly, as with the other fools Ya often see here

All that is need to know of woman’s ability can be seen in you and is always built on, “Fear, Guilt, Shame, and Blame”. Nothing more nothing less!!




  1. I think they know, but they don't know the consequences. In other words they know they lie, but don't consider themselves liars.

  2. Have you always hated women or is it a recent development?

  3. women can lie knowingly the same way as men do...

    ...BUT... per your are capable of a lie automatically without having to think about it...without realising it ... without feeling guilty in any way as at that precise moment we believe that we are telling the truth with all our wicked little

    ...the necessary lie just comes out floating through our lovely lips ...

    ...only a few very skilled males like yourself will notice usually it is done very smoothly....

    ...and to answer the other question...they did not let us testify at court because back then women were considered as brainless creatures only good for house chores and making babies ... lol ... times change ... dont they???

  4. women know as well as men about when they are being honest. Women do however want to nurture and protect emotions so they tend to tell more white lies or sugar coat things more because if they make someone feel bad it reflects on their ability to protect which reflects on themselves personally. Men are straight to the point and figure that if they don't say it than they are doing a disservice to the person by letting them be told by someone else, or they figure that if it doesn't kill them than what's the big deal. Men are not out to protect anyone's feelings except their own, and other men know and respect that which is why they tend to look to other men for an honest answer. Women want to spare people feelings so they tell more white lies, but they also are more likely to ask the "how do I look?" question in the first place. They don't ask another women to find out, per se, but to hear her sugar coated answer about how nice they look or how it may not look nice or flattering but they look great in this or their hair is too cute for this dress. Women don't care if someone says that something looks terrible as long as they add a nice compliment with it, and that's what another women's opinion would usually be like. if a women wanted to know how something really looked, they would ask a man who has nothing to lose by telling the truth. Like a brother who doesn't adore his sister and isn't dying to get the heck out of there. Which is probably why so many women hang out with g*y guys because they get the best of both worlds, the honesty and the compliments.

  5. Heehaw, heehaw, lol that is a true Donkey, that idiot above, the first one, lol how do these people cope?


    more idiots are out, & joining in, look out the fools are about, and not a brain cell to share


    Look below

    Even more idiots are out, & joining in, look out the fools are about, and not a brain cell to share

    where do they come from?

  6. passive aggressive behavior usually includes high levels of dishonesty and denial.

  7. We all tell white lies.  It is just that women tend to operate in less accountable venues where they can get away with it.  Put them under oath or in front of a legitimate review and their deceitfulness will fall like a house of cards.

  8. Women are just as aware when they are telling lies as men. Your mother was no paragon of honesty. You are lying to  yourself and so is she.

  9. For being such a woman hater you certainly are trying very hard to attract them with your unbuttoned shirt.  But then again, maybe you aren't trying to attract women.

  10. Dishonesty is subjective.

    Men are very black and white on these things - we tell it how it is, or we are liars.

    Women are more in tune with the emotions of the person they are talking to, and so are much less likely to say things that are hard to hear. BUT - they are much better at subtlty and have developed a whole language to express their real feelings to other women.  Your mother says 'the dress is nice' but make no mistake, the best friend went away thinking 'she hates it'.

    The fact that us men dont really understand makes it all so much fun.

    (fun = pain)

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