
Men on GWS, why should feminists like you ?

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Eryfc - for one thing people might like me because I don't call other human beings "scum", even when I disagree with their beliefs and worldview.




  1. You may not hate men, but you tend to overlook us and act as if we don't even exist, which, believe it not, can be worse than hate. Personally, I think I'd rather be hated than ignored. And, there are more of these types of women than what the average person realizes...

  2. Why would anti feminist men care if anti-male feminists not like us.

    Yes there are feminists who actually believe in equality but....

    there are also feminists who think they believe in equality and.....

    there are feminists who do not believe in equality.

    The question is do you disown the man hating feminists?

  3. I l**k curvy and attractive feminists.  thats one good reason why people like each other, you l**k me I l**k you.  but feminists dont l**k me one bit.  They wont even touch me with a 10 feet pole.

  4. If a major catastrophy ever hits the United States, and the government becomes ineffective, the very first thing to go away will be women's rights.

  5. Well feminists who are constantly shown in the media say otherwise. They are blantently sexist and go on and whine about how women are opressed and men are the ones who caused all the worlds strife.

    Although, i know from being on here not all feminists are like that, like Shivers and Lioness etc. I accept your opinions about women's rights and i am only merely replying with eye openers how men are also degraded and humiliated, issues such as education, media and health. After all, this is GENDER and women's studies, all i ask for is for feminists such as you to take my opinion into consideration like i do with yours. Their are MANY qualities that men have that you'd like.

  6. I really don't give a c**p  if the feminists like me or not.

  7. Dont know, dont care I try to avoid feminists as much as possible and sure as heck wont marry one, which would be a real bummer to my fiancee by the way :p.


  8. They probably shouldn't, but despite the fact that I'm not a believer in most of the propaganda on which feminism is based ( which I guess makes me non-feminist) , I have a few friends here.

    To protect their reputations I'll not say who they might be.

  9. Why should feminists like me?

    I would rather be judged as 'me' rather than accepted or rejected on the basis of my s*x.

    I can'y be bothered hating anyone really.  It is only hurts me, and what's the point.  Sure i might arc up at a misandrist comment, but so what?  I don't hate women on the basis of the comments of fools.

    I agree that man-haters are not necessarily feminists, and i also will correct you and say that some feminists do indeed hate men, but they arefew.  Just because many feminists might disagree with me does not make me assume they hate me, anymore than I hate them for seeing things differently.

  10. I saw your question before and it is something that I often wonder - why men are not more disgusted at what men do - the vast majority of the sexual crimes, the torture murders, etc etc.

    It does not mean hating all men or saying that only men do these things (though of course there is ample evidence to show that women represent a very tiny proportion of these criminals/ perverts), but most men get really defensive about it as if that is what is being said.

    I have men friends with whom I can have proper non defensive discussions with about such things, but they are very much in a minority.

    It was very difficult for me to find much about men to like when I was a young woman, as most of my inter-actions with them were based on their need to in some way draw attention to the fact that they were stronger than me and if they wanted to be crude and sexually inapporpriate they could do it with impunity (as of course so many women deal with it by acting like it is OK - makes it really hard for women lie me who does not find unsolicited inter-action with sleazy men appealing!).

    But you know that you will not get a  man here who is really prepared to answer your question properly - men just do not want to acknowledge this aspect of society.

  11. Feminists aren't man haters. They're women haters....... Feminists are just biggots who think men are superior to women.

  12. what's not to like about men, look at the systems and mod cons all around you. we are only your complimentary gender, if you don't like men, you don't like yourself.

    man hating has become so mainstream that you feminists can be sexist without even realising it. your "patriarchy" theories and leading writers appear quite bigoted and offensive.

    men have been slandered as dangerous sociopaths for decades now, it is natural for mud to be slung back which is what happens here.

    Shelob, "I saw your question before and it is something that I often wonder - why men are not more disgusted at what men do - the vast majority of the sexual crimes, the torture murders, etc etc."

    you make it sound as if there are not 1000s of men who would die protecting you for every 1 that would hurt you.

    EDIT: Pandora, how am i more responsible for the actions of a rapist than you are?

    who has been exploiting rape and using it to bash men for the last three decades, who has tried to give us the impression that all men are potential rapists and child abusers, you are saying that feminism is not responsible? sorry that is rubbish.

    "all men are rapists" "1 in 4", this is nothing but organized crying rape. feminist groups use your fear to get support. to them it is a tool.

    do you accept any responsibility for the mass rapes in Rwanda in 1994?

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