
Men only.... is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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I ger random erctions and I'm 17

they just come out of nowhere




  1. yupper, that's going to happen.

    Still does for me.

  2. yes

  3. What's her name?

    Real answer :Yes, emphatically

  4. This is normal it usually happens between the ages of 12 to 18, or earlier. Ur still going through puberty.

  5. thats normal. its called puberty. enjoy them when u can wackoff and they should go away also you should consult with a best friend bout this stuff.

  6. Totally normal and you seem not yet to be in control over them yet


  7. no ur a total jew bag

    my god frickin nublets thse days they never shut up

  8. yeah it is normal. didnt your health class teach you that us guys get random erections? haha i remeber my health class did

  9. Yeah it's part of growing up..

    its just your hormones acting up. It happens to every young male.


    also 17 and it happens to me.. its just part of life  

  10. yes its just ur hormones

  11. Yes, its completely normal.  It happens to all males.  Don't worry about them, don't bother to hide them, because when you do EVERYONE knows they are there, and when you don't most people don't notice -- and just enjoy them.  It's silly to worry about them.

    Kind thoughts,


  12. Yep. Totally normal. At least you know you don't have a problem with ED.

  13. yep. happens to me

    it's annoying

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