
Men or women.Am i the only one going through this? Tell me about your divorce experience or almost let to one?

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i love my husband with all my heart am still married,(11months), but the way he always puts me off for his family (im tired of him worrying about making his brother happy, than my feeling and emotions), and for everything make it seem like anything else is more important that me(he says his life doesn't evolve around me), and acknowledges what anyone else says, than what i say, and always wants me around when he feels like it, otherwise gives an excuse of he wants to visit his brother cuz he hasent seen him, but freaking works with him, wtf? today i told him straight up its eighter he aknlowledges me as his wife or i want a divorce, and he said he will change, but what if he dosent.PLEASE ANY ADVICE FROM ANYONE THAT WENT OR GOING TROUGH THE SAME.WAS YOUR MARRIAGE SAVED?** i don't mind reading long responses :) MATURE ANSWER PLEASE!!




  1. your husband does not still notice that he is married and he think he is still single. When you say you will divorce him then he discovers that he is already married. I think he needs to change otherwise..i will not advice you to divorce him.

  2. People treat marriages as disposable. If he's not beating you or the kids, and he's not on drugs, and he's not cheating on you, you don't have the right to a divorce. Period. You need to grow up, both of you. It's going to take some really hard work but you have to be willing to do it. I mean YOU not just him. Both of you.  

  3. Well, me and my husband will more than likely be seperating. It is not a good experiance and I've not had much rest.  But you have told him he either needs to acknowledge you or divorce him, You have laid the cards out there and you need to follow through with that. If you don't see any change, then you need to leave.  Good luck to you. But I'm just wondering, was he this way before you married? You are newly weds. Didn't anyone tell you you can't change someone?  

  4. Give him a chance...let him TRY...Family is a HUGE part of Everyones lives but he also NEEDS to know that you are still his WIFE--best friend--partner--other half, etc.

    You can't just Give up and Quit so soon...sounds like maybe you are being a bit selfish.  Sometimes guys need their Guy friends and a break from their wives/gf's.  

    But definetly let him be aware of the consequences of his present actions and if he continues them .. hopefully he will change and come around.

  5. if you want to save your marriage, professional counseling is the only way. the counselor will help convince your husband that his wife is the most important thing in his life or at least comes first (more important than parents and siblings)

  6. Your husband should put you above everyone. Including family. If  he doesn't than you should divorce him now cause it's not going to get any better.

  7. Your husband is suppose to make sure home is ok before he go and break his back for everybody else. Unless it is a life or death situation with one of his family members..anyways you need to take to him and let him know exactly how you feel. you guys got married for a reason. don't let it go down the drain over something that can be fixed

  8. Same as mine, we been married for almost five years, I was not his No :1 priority, I was infact the last, but he was always my first priority, I thought he would change over time, but he didnt and couple of months back he said he didnt love me, thats why I was not so important to him, though he likes me and cares for me. We are separated now and going through a divorce. Its nice that you realised it now than in another five yrs. Talk to him, be assertive, ask him for a balance, else he will take u for granted.  

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