
Men over 30--Are you still a kid?

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Do you eat junk food like you did when you were a teenager? Do you eat cereal like Cocoa Puffs and Cookie Crisp? I grew up in a world where grown men acted their age, but my husband refuses to act any little bit over the age of 17. It's driving me crazy!!! I just wanted to see if more men were like my father and brothers or more are like my husband.




  1. Sometimes. It is fun to be a kid again. Lots of good memories. But not always act like a kid. Maybe he is the "funny" in the family.

    Answer mine?;...

  2. My tastes have developed a lot since I was 17, although I do not see anything wrong with eating cocoa puffs for breakfast.  Now, if he were digging through the box to get the free toy, that's another story.  I still occasionally enjoy the simpler pleasures of my youth, such as cartoons and video games.  Heck, just the fact that I'm on this website, posting like some teenager, shows just how little I must've matured in the last 15 years.  But, I do know when it's time to put on the big boy pants ( I am a parent afterall), and put away my toys.  I'm not going to pretend not to have fun, and put up a macho (manly) image, just because it's expected of me.  I'm going to be myself.

  3. I think most of us over 30 guys are still kids, while I like to eat "grown up" food and try to be healthy I much prefer the same old junk food I have been eating for years.  I think it's very normal to stay/act young in many ways but know when to act your age.  None of us want to grow old too soon.

  4. oh yes

    im 38, have some friends who still use play station and X box and still eat junk food

    get over yourself

    what is the harm. how does wht he have for breakfast affect you

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