
Men over 30 - would you answer this for me please?

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NOTE: This is a sincere and genuine question. If you are going to be a smart-*** with your answer, please do not write anything, just move on. Thank you.

Gents, please help me. I am asking this question and I would like your HONEST answer. Think about it carefully. Write down your answer as carefully and detailed (NOT long) as you can. Please.

Why do men only like women only for their physical beauty? If a woman is "hot" - she's what a man wants. If she's a "babe" - he wants her. If she's ordinary, overweight, underweight, average chest size, in other words "normal looking", men are not interested. Why? What is about the "hot babes" that men are giving second (and third) glances to. Even an average looking guy is into the "hot babe". I honestly want to know why.




  1. why doesnt my phone work on i have a Sidekick LX WTF!

  2. I am being honest and sincere.

    This isn't true at all. You are generalizing.  And you are wrong.

    You are looking for the wrong type of man, if that is the man you are finding.

    It is like me saying "Why do women ONLY want men with lots of money?  Are they all just gold-diggers?"

    If you are having problems in that area, I am sorry.  But categorizing all males into one lump is not going to help you one bit.  It will just leave you jaded, and alone.

  3. Its called evolution.

    Good looking women will produce children with good genes. Women are the same way,  the only difference is that they also have a "provider" standard based on how much money a man makes.  

  4. for the same reason girls are going after hot guys. i am not about to share spit with someone that makes me gag.

  5. perhaps in the human species the roles are reversed ,  look at other species , peacocks , pheasants , chickens , , oh i know this is silly , but the females are attracted to the brightest colors ,   i think its like a kid in candy store looking for the one with the best wrappers , maybe something they cant have ,  now you crossed over to the over 30 age ,  and this is true for many , maybe in our younger years we did look for the prettiest , as we grow UP we realize that the ones we didnt look at are the ones who would shared time with us , love with us , loyalty , friendship , i think we finaly realize that none of us are all that ,  being lonely is a real bytch when you find your self alone because the pretty ones had so much attention they movd on to find that male with the brightest colors also ,  

  6. OK. You have made a common and very understandable mistake. You have to listen to what we mean and not to what we say.

    Men don't talk about feelings. Not to anyone very well, but not to each other at all.

    So when we talk to our mates we don't say "I just want to meet a girl who understands me"

    Thay would think we had gone insane.

    Instead we say

    "Geez that girl's got a good set on 'er" and they know we mean "I really like that girl and think I could enjoy spending time with her."

    It's true. I am not taking the p**ss.

    Men only feel safe talking about their feelings to their wives and girlfriends. Sometimes their mothers but only the lucky ones get that.Not all of us can do it with our wives and that is why there are so many unhappy marriages.

    But don't ever make the mistake of believing that men don'; have real feelings about women. We just don't know how to express those feelings most of the time.

  7. in twenty years of studing one woman.. all women are the same. they suck.

  8. Instincts, we want fit hot offspring. Blame mother nature.

  9. ok im not a man over 30 but I think its because people all have natural physical attractions. they can be healthy or unhealthy. Girls who arent considered "hot" are given a bad enough time by other girls who are judgmental, they dont deserve jerks who only like girls for what they look like. they deserve someone who can see their inner beauty and appreciate it. and girls who are "hot" have to be really picky to find somebody who loves her, not just her body. the whole system works  well.

  10. honey, you are totally wrong, first because you generalized it too all men, second because we mendon't share you your idea about us.

    no doubts that beautiful, hot woman turn all men heads, we admit that we are visual and our eyes doesn't stop looking.

    but when it come to marriage or long term relation we are looking for the woman who will stand by us rest of our life, we think of our kids mom.  

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