
Men question.. would you ever be hypnotized to forget your previous shags a if you loved your current gf?

by  |  earlier

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Would a guy ever be hypnotized to forget his previous sexual partners?

and do they ever have wet dreams when their in bed with their gf thinking about other girls or partners?

Or do they ever think of other girls when their shaggin their gf?




  1. i think whoever is tellling you this stuff is full of s**+-. or yanking your chain or simply put is out and out lieing to you. i would'nt trust this guy as far as you can throw him. noooooooooo guy ever ever ever gets hypnotized to forget s*x, i never knew a guy that had wet dreams but think only very very few ever do and maybe its they pissed on themselfs and no *** off. but yes for thinking of other girls especially if they don't have a great love or are not really serious with the one they are with.  you are being sweet yet naive.i truly think whomever is telling you this stuff is not ready for a serious relationship and is to young to be serious yet and needs a wake up call by you.  sorry!!

  2. No.  Hypnosis doesn't make you forget things.  I would never ask that of a guy.

    And yes for your questions about wet dreams and shaggin.

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