
Men stutter around me...I generally give the impression of being gentle and polite in ordinary social life....

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It seems I intimidate them...Why is that the case? Why do men really get intimidated by a woman? Guy's what sort of woman intimidates you? I am cooperative, and friendly but when I am working I get on with my priorities and have absent minded professor syndrome as such, as I am preoccupied! Women, what are your experiences of 'intimidating' men??




  1. My first job involved my being backstage at fashion shows and I found the women intimidating, I was 19 and did not know where to look.

    email me.

  2. Beautiful girls intimidate men pretty easily. If you suspect that its your appearance then your only choice is to get used to it. I'd be flattered to be considered so good looking that I intimidate the opposite s*x. If you think its your attitude (and if you want to change this) then maybe being warm to you co-workers and less business minded would help. Though a lot of productive, work-minded people can be intimidating (men or women).

  3. Nothing intimidates me.

    They try to but they look foolish :)

  4. The only thing that intimidates me is a woman that I deem is "above average" in terms of physical appearance.  I clam up and phish for the right thing to say and do.  Meanwhile they are flesh and blood like everyone else.  Its pointless I know.  But its my weakness.

  5. From my experience, when I was a younger man, I would stutter around beautiful women. My attention was so taken by their beauty that I couldn't get my mind and mouth in gear. I also couldn't think of anything to say because all I could think about was how beautiful they were.

    Today, women don't intimidate me. So I can't answer the second question.

  6. Its cuz your young, and you probably hang around a lot of young guys. Start hanging around older guys and you will notice the different.

    You say you give the impression of being gentle and polite? How do you know this?

    Your post sounds like that movie that had those really preppy girls brag about how pretty they are, how popular they are, how much money they have... then they turn around and said, "But we're so modest about it!"

  7. Happens to me to. I think it is because they are trying to think of something to say. I just be as polite as possible and wait until they can say something.

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