
Men underwear opening?

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What is the reason for opening in men underwear? Peeing is not very easy with this opening specially when erect. Tell me other reason.




  1. HA HA HA!!! That's funny.

    I ask myself that same question every time I fold laundry??  I wonder about that opening.. and I wonder if anybody ever uses it.  I asked my husband about it once. He says he never uses it.

    I imagine it would be awkward to fish your willy out of there AND the fly on your pants, and how the heck do you get him back in there properly?  too complicated to be worth the effort I would think

    Honestly, I don't understand how you guys walk around with those things anyway........  cold = shrink, hot = floppy.... good weather detectors I guess.

    Don't get me wrong.  I have a strong appreciation for willys but those funny underwear openings?? I have no idea.  I guess that WAS your question....

    I got sidetracked...sorry

  2. easy access  

  3. Not a health ISSUE

    It  takes awhile maybe 5-10minutes for the box to reload after having the power disconnected

  4. Maybe it is there to let some air in.

  5. There is no other real reason.  I agree that using it for that is not very practical most of the time, but that's why its there and that's the only reason
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