
Men vs. Women Here's a dangerous question

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Men vs. Women

Here's a dangerous question - who makes a better leader and why? :)

Are there differences between male and female leaders?




  1. Depends on what profession.

  2. Are you leading men or women? or both? This question all depends on the individual well as the situation that needs leading.

    No clear cut winners here.

  3. Men I've seen take charge and foster cooperation in general. Women I've seen encourage the best in everyone and see the efforts of the individual collaborate into one. Both are effective leaders.

    I really think it depends more on personality, though. I'm just judging off personal examples of people I know.  

  4. I don't think s*x has anything to do with it but rather the individual there have been Great leaders both male and female through out history.

    In Vietnam women where considered to be the best sniper for reasons that they don't think before they shoot and some hypothesized that it was a motherly instinct to protect there children. Men on the other hand always think before they shoot.

  5. Well since all men and all women aren't fit to be leaders, it pretty much depends on the person. You can't say just because one man/woman was a good leader that they all are. Some women are good leaders and some men are, I don't think one gender is a better leader than the other.

  6. Women,

    we are more sympathetic, more understanding, and are less narrow-minded than men. (:

  7. Of course!

    King Arthur (old England) vs Queen Elizabeth (current UK) .....

    Emperor QIn s**+ Huang (Qin Dynasty) vs She-Emperor Wu Cher Tian (Tang Dynasty) ....

    Emperor Arcturus Mengsk (Terran Dominion) vs Queen Kerrigan (Zerg Swarm) .....

    Warchief Thrall (Durotar) vs Lady Jaina Proudmoore (Theramore)...

    Can't say who is better, both are unique.

    But you must be able to totally understand both to really tell....

  8. Personally I think that men and women both have the potential to make excellent leaders. I don't think one specific gender would do better than another. There are a few things that would have to be considered in this judgement. An even better question to consider is not what gender would make a better leader, but what age group, educational or real life background?  

  9. i have a good answer...both!!!

    i dont think having a p***s or v****a dictates how well you are as a leader.

  10. Females of course! I mean helllllllllllllo? If women ran the world it wouldn't be such a trauma scene. Men, step down and let the women fix the mess you've put us all in.  

  11. I think it definitely depends on the type of thing that they are leading. Sometimes guys are better because they are less emotional and don't feel as if they have to prove something all the time. But when it comes to things that call for more compassion and patience like Teaching (education field) or Therapy ( psychology) women are better. Things which calls for more emotional control and cause for quick reaction and response man are better leaders (sports, police etc) But there are exceptions to every rules. When it comes to government which is full of corruption and politics, man tend to do better, only really strong females make it in that game.

  12. The male's I have worked for have been less control freaks than the women I have worked for. I"m speaking of a supervisor's position. That's just an observation. I've had good experiences with both. Personality and leadership style is where it lies in the end.

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