
Men wasting my time in business - pretend to offer business then hit on me?

by  |  earlier

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How do I make good business connections without ending up being hit on all the time? I'm 47 - this should have stopped by now.

I've lost count of how much time I've wasted thinking that I was actually en route to a meaningful business collaboration, only to realise that the man was just looking for a way into a more intimate connection.

SO fed up with it. I'd like to find a more productive way of looking at it, dealing with it, but not coming up with anything yet. The trouble is, I'm very serious-minded, and so I'm appalled each and every time it happens - it affects my trust in people, and then my social networking shrinks to nothing. Not good. I'm doing the things that should make me successful, but they're just bringing me grief.





  1. Maybe they are looking for both a business connection and a personal one, but you are only seeing the personal one they are seeking.

    People can be friendly, too, without it meaning more than that. I'm just wondering how much of your own attitude and preconceived notions about their behaviour is actually warranted.

  2. your different.i have yet to meet your type yet.not that i should know how to make a sharp drop in things when your direction changes and how to pick them the oil companies are doing.

  3. It's sad, isn't it?   You've got to keep trying.  Don't give up.  The next one could be it!....sigh

  4. you can wear a ring when you are working ,that should stop it

  5. How are you meeting these business connections?

  6. Should have?

    Whenever anyone makes a statement with "should" in it, you know it's not reality.

    That would be nice, yes.  Realistic?  Maybe not.

    Also, you can only change yourself.

    You can't really stop others from their behaviour.  You have to stop feeling bad about it.  That's what you CAN change.  Once you've changed how you think about it, then you're O.K., plus their behaviour will also likely change.

    Have you ever read any of Byron Katie?  She's got a method of looking at things that bother you and putting a whole new perspective on things.  You might want to look her up and try her method called "The Work".

    I don't agree with how these guys happen to be treating you, but this is the best advice I have.  Byron Katie is cool.

  7. pig out, get fat and it won't happen again

  8. Are you married? If not, try wearing a wedding band. Mention your husband, or kids so they know you're not available.

  9. Good for u but all of us aren't like that maybe u should find business elswhere. Women are more trustworthy than men and indians. : P try doing it with othe women like urself alot out there.

    SOS about spelling mistaakes getting used to this iphone

  10. Because men can be chauvinist pigs.

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