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i have been with this girl for a few months now , two weeks ago we broke up. since then i have been emailing her but she hardly replies. eventually she would reply and it seems she is like either trying to ignore me in a " polite " way. hasnt cut me off completly. i would email again and it seems she is just the one who ansers , never the one who takes initiative. i was doing the same to her before a couple of times. its hard with them it hard without them.

what to do.




  1. Forget her for some time, if she doesn't come around or talk to you, let it go, and find someone else, or maybe you haven't established the fact that you want to stay friends.

  2. because yall dated, theres still some kind of commitment there. you want to know if she still has anything at all for you try this, itl be hard, but itl work. cut off all contact with her completely. let the last thing you tell her be something like i still think about you if you ever want to talk gimme a call. then dont call her, after a while if she still wants to talk to you deep down inside it will drive her crazy and shell call

  3. you  b.r.o.k.e.  u.p.  what do you expect?!?!

  4. Occasional break is good for health.

  5. why don't you try talking to her personally???? i think that would do more than simply emailing her

  6. Trust me, she has moved on with a new guy.

    Nothing turns a woman off is a guy acting desperate even it is from the heart.

    Cut her loose, only showing her you can move on as well she might realize what she lost.

  7. Dude, she's really dissing on your person, you know? Sending you some "holier-than-thou-I-f**t-and-it-smells-l... vipes. You need to get pro-active! Now I'm not talking going "postal" or anything like that. All I'm saying is you need to let her know you've got your pride. Ladies hate beggars. They think it's pathetic.

    What you need to do is; go to a well-used public rest room and snatch a urinary cake. Make sure you mark territory on that puppy first. (while you're there you might want to scratch her name and number onto the wall along with a little heart-felt message, something to the tune of; "She loves to walk among the flowers and enjoys the bliss of golden showers." Then you take that urinal cake and cover it with chocolate, top it with nuts (only if she's not allergic) and maybe some gummy-bears. Wrap it up real nice with bows and ribbons, then send it to her by special courier. Make sure you include a romantic card; "Enjoy this little treat as much as we all enjoy the way you freshen our lives."

    Now, my son, you are a man!  

  8. well, you just broke up and she obviously doesn't won't to talk to you. maybe give it a bit more time, yeah?

  9. if it seems she is trying to ignore you she probably is...take the hint...she just aint into you.

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