
Men what do you think?

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Me and my BF we were watching a basket ball game yesterday.We were kidding each other (i said that he don't have muscles but i was joking).Then he starts to talk about one of the player.This is what he said:this guy have a lot of muscles and probably a big d***,he is the good guy for you.For me it was not funny at all and i get really angry.Was it right for me to get angry?




  1. tell your boyfriend it is not a good joke . and just say that you were just kidding about that he doesn't have any muscle. and you dont need to get angry for that.

  2. It is right to be angry but see it from his perspective:

    I think he is insecure about you and other guys. I at times have been like this with my girlfriend. He feels insignificant with something in comparison (not in shape or lack of something). You need to let him know that you are his one.

    I may go a little far but make the first move on him "in the bedroom" that makes him feel good about himself. At times, us guys do compare and see how our significant others react. Let him know that he is your man.  

  3. U brought it yourself gal,it was wong to make him feel like a failure anyway just apoligise en tell him u did not like what he said to you.Be nice somethings are better not told

  4. how long u been with ur bf? do you understands ur bf very well? can he take up ur jokes ?

    not all guys can really take up the jokes , or i should tell you , majourity of the guys nowadays are very timid / can't take jokes / misunderstanding / childish and last but not least he always thinks that he is so great among all guys...

    and i think you are not in the right or wrong , its just that the both of you doesn't understand each other much yet .

    if he understand , he will just take it softly and giggle away.

  5. You asked this same question yesterday. Again. I'll say - you need to stop being so sensitive. He's just joking around.

  6. Lol he was probably just trying to have fun. No biggy.

  7. i dont see what angers you about that comment your boyfriend stated about another guys di**

  8. He felt offended. would you feel bad if he said you had tiny b***s, flat a$$, too much fat, a lot of wrinkles? Hey, we all have insecurities, there is no point to laugh at them. Why did you get angry, he retaliated because he felt bad. On his place I would just put up p**n and keep repeating how s**y and beautiful girls on the screen are.

  9. Let it go. Definitely not a big deal.

  10. Maybe he was just kidding. Does he make many like those? If he does then he's a fool. If he doesn't, then he was kidding.

  11. if you dish it out you got to be able to take it. You obviously hurt his feeling........ Let it go because you started it. You should know your guy. How would you feel it a big chested skinny women was on the screen and he said she's hot not and your not.  That is what you pretty much said to him.

  12. guys don like it when u say they don have muscles even if i was a joke.

    like saying your fat as a joke.

  13. Makes u want to question his sexuality or yours.....and by bf did u mean best friend or boy friend. kinda confused here

  14. i dont like wen a girl says that to me thats whack

  15. When you burn your hand on something hot, it is better to concentrate on avoiding it happening again than to try and figure out why it happened.
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