
Men who believe in patriarchy. Do you purposely avoid professional women?

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What I mean is, are all of your doctors, dentists, and lawyers men?




  1. Actually, you could say that i've fallen victim to the women's stereotypical perspective of the "ideal man".

    When i look at a professional woman, i see several positive connotations (Successfulness, Professionalism in itself, a respectable societal ideology, etc), all of which are exaggerated by the fact that she's a woman.

    I can't help it, i'm a guy.

    My Doctor's a female, too.

  2. I avoid professional women because I do not trust them, well not the lawyers at least.

    I have really low self esteem, and I think if my partner is out there all the time doing whatever for work she might cheat on me, but its not a trust issue its self esteem issue.

  3. Maybe we are (perhaps specialized surgeons) and our income exceeds $375K US (no children, no child support).

    Maybe we don't avoid professional women who earn as much if not more than we do.  Maybe we just ration women into those with whom we want to have s*x, purely and those we wish to have a love with.  Maybe we just avoid Feminists who are the filth of humanity; who wish to be treated differently from n***s but have no CV to show a significant difference.

    The former are a lot easier to get.  Men don't believe in a silly machination of Feminism.  Men get the job done however, whenever and at whatever cost we want.

  4. No I like professional women, because they are so much like me but only weaker.

  5. Well who would want to pay for it. tacky

  6. I dont, I rather have a smart woman with me than have an average one.....

  7. I believe in a moderated patriarchy, where the woman is istill free to work as long as there is one of us with the kids i guess.

    Of course not....i go for the best one not just  the male one.

  8. Who cares as long as the job is done.

    Oh and I hate lawyers, they have no gender, religion or conscience.

    The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.

    (2 Henry VI, 4.2.59), Butcher to Jack Cade

  9. A patriarchal society is one in which positions of power are held by men.  That is not incompatible with women working.  Women work extremely hard in most patriarchal societies.  And being an educated professional woman does not necessarily mean that the woman won't be entirely under the man's thumb when it comes to their personal life.  Look at Simone de Beauvoir for instance.  And the most dominated woman I ever knew was far better educated than her husband, had a better job and earned a lot more money.  But she was totally in thrall to him.  A really dominant man can dominate a woman regardless of her professional status.

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