
Men who is your childhood hero?

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MacGyver or Chuck Norris?

Women who would you rather procreate with out of the two?




  1. lol

    thats great shamu (who would they rather procreate with!)

    ha ha! :) :) :)

    I hope theyre saying MacGyver because at least he was handy.

    Norris was so OBVIOUSLY a g*y man trying to compensate.

    AND that whole right wing Reagan-era  show he did (where beating people up was supposed to be wholesome and "good"!  Oh my...)

    (I sure didnt care for that).

    I think I need to chose from a broader list.

    What about Captain Kirk?

    There was a manly man.

    He was a captain.

    He had balls.

    Took risks.

    Got in fights.

    Got laid.

    Any good tom cat would enjoy such a life!

  2. Never really liked either of them. I was always a big Gary Busey fan.

  3. ayn rand( i mean does 13 count as childhood?) my mom has too much blind faith in religion

  4. MacGyver is a God. There is nothing he couldn't do.

  5. Chuck has a hairy back, but his trousers were great in Return Of The Dragon.

  6. Chuck looks good

  7. Women should procreate with Chuckster and the Mac in close succession.

    Determine who is buffest by letting the loads fight it out street style in the quest for the ultimate egg prize.

    Film the awesome battles with a micro camera and release it as a movie, with a TV series to follow later.

    Chuckster vs The Mac in the Battle for The Big One.  Episode I - A new life is born.

  8. I wouldn't procreate with either- Yuck!  They are both unattractive (to me at least) and far too old!

    Edit: heartily agree with Mr. Teabag- My male role model growing up was my father, and my mother was my female role model.

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