
Men who make sexual comments at women?

by  |  earlier

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Such as:

"Your breast are showing, you wear that skirt for me, you think I'm cute. etc..."

1. Do you (they) hate women?

2. Are they confused?

Basically, why do men do this? Especially if they are engaged/married, etc...




  1. Being married has nothing to do with it, since that isn't flirting, it's an attempt at intimidation.  It generally stems from an inferiority complex.  If you don't react, they'll generally stop.

  2. I think you found the missing link between ape and man.

  3. Simmer down now sweet cheeks, you're getting out of control. They like women and have no filter to control what they say. Your examples aren't sexual comments. They are basic observations.

  4. the "boys" who use those phases are immature.

  5. It shows they have poor manners?

    Unless of course it's someone whom you are also attracted to lol

  6. There is a word that comes to mind other than disrespectful and ignorant, OH Yes LEWD which means and this would only be for the absent minded, of coarse!

    1. Sexually Unchaste

    2. Salacious

    A Thesaurus entry would be...

    1. Using sexual language or images that may offend

    Synonyms: Bawdy, Obscene, Offensive, risque, racy. suggestive, earthy, blue

    And But of coarse the complete opposite

    Antonym: Sanitized

    Why? it WOULD of had to do with the intelligent part of their, disrespectful  brain. Key Word there was WOULD of...:~) God Speed to ya.

  7. Have you noticed they're more forward when they ARE engaged/married?

    It's like they're testing out the waters or something.

    1. They don't hate women; they appreciate females...

    2. I think men are just puffing out their tail feathers and having this, "i've got nothing to lose" mentality. Men who have pride and truly like women and are truly serious in thinking about starting a 'possible relationship' off to a good start usually don't stoop to that level; men who just want sexual gratification flirt to no end and want to skip the friendship and the truly 'getting to know each other' level to 'let's be a unrealistic "couple" who screws each other and we'll get to know each other at the same time'

  8. Those are verbal cues to express interest. They're just ridiculous, disrespectful and clumsy verbal cues to express interest.

    Haha... shut up, I think it's funny!

  9. Just say to him that you don't like those comments, and that you're not interested.

  10. Why would he have to hate women or be confused to express an interest in a woman???

    I believe that people have a responsibility to stop unwanted attention by letting the person know how you feel.

    If you fail to set them are leading them on and enabling the behavior.

    Men have a hard enough time understanding women, please don't expect them to read your mind or decipher subtle hints.

  11. First off real men don't do that.  A real man respects a women in every aspect.  He notices her beauty and addresses it in a gentleman like order.  A slob/perv, which is what your reffering to, says anything nasty idea or thought that enters his small pea sized mind.  Unfortunately the word chivalry has lost its meaning and importance in our world.  But know that when a guy makes a remark like that towards you, hes not a man but rather a slob who can't control even himself.

  12. Most men do it because they think it is cool and acceptable behavior.  But oh by the way if they think they can hook up on the DL they will try!!!

  13. Oh get over the janitor already!  Tell him to leave you alone or you will press sexual harassment charges THAT is how you get rid of him.

    If my husband I would love it and eat it all up, if his friends said it I would probably go along with it for a good laugh.  If you are having problems with someone you need to confront them, not make all men look like perverted molesters.

  14. they're losers basically.

    Nothing wrong with flirting, but you need to know when to stop. When you're married for instance, is a very good time to stop flirting with strange women.

  15. I wish i knew . i think it is because they cant see woman as more than a mere s*x object who exists for their amusemennt

    they treat woman like mindless objects with no feelings

    My body is not in the "melons" aisle so why does some guy I dont even know thinks he can feel my breats just because im a shopping for fruit in the same srore

    I am a good looking babe and dont mind if someone compliments me in a nice way, but to degrade me as on object with crude remarks is just plain rude

    i dont see how any rational human being could truely think that by treating me that way he is gonna score. get to know me and be a friend to the real me first not just lusting at every hottie that walks bye

    so I would guess the reason is desperation ,but they are never gonna succeed with that c**p. At least not with me.

  16. i'm on the same page as you.

  17. Because they lack respect for women.

  18. It's a macho display. And rude.

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