
Men:What do u prefer on a girl long hair or a short cut where it goes long at the front then shorter at back??

by Guest64315  |  earlier

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I have longish hair but i have seen loads girls with that new bob cut and i think it looks really nice but my friend said all boys prefer long hair on a girl. So i dont know what to whats ur opion on this?? x thanx x




  1. I will just speak for all my clients. I'm a stylist who specializes in long hair. Most men prefer long hair, that's what I hear every day from them and they like it really long. All of my clients once they get to their desired lengths would never go back to short hair and love the compliements, versatility and feeling they get with having long hair. Plus long hair never goes out of style while short hair styles fade every month or so. So my advice is grow it longer. Good luck!

  2. It all depends on the individual and what hairstyle suits there face, go with what makes you feel comfortable and confident with yourself, that's what really makes people attractive  

  3. short at the front long at the back

  4. sorry im not a man lol but i thought i'd say this: it really depends on what you feel most comfortable with for example i got my hair cut and deeply regretted it. You can acheive more styles with longer hair but it mostly depends on your face shape. If your still unsure maybe get you hair cut shorter each time you go to the hairdressers so it's not too much change but you can see if you like it shorter and that way it will still be easy to grow as you haven't cut it too short.Hope this helps xoxo

  5. If you care for your hair - long, much more mature look.

    If you are a serious sport girl - may need to deal with short.

    Most short cuts limit what you can do with styles and make you younger / cuter.

    So long if you want mature look - short for kids.

  6. I have an inverted bob. Long in the front and a lil shorter in the back. Mid neck lenght. and its really s**y cute. Who care what they prefer? They will take what they can get.

  7. long hair 4 shizzle

  8. I prefer girls with long hair. The longer, the better. If I wanted to go out with someone with short hair, I'd go out with a guy. I don't find short hair on girls attractive at all.

  9. I have long hair and when I look in posters and stuff you can do loads of things with long hair and not so much with short. Long hair is also more atttractive

  10. Keep it long Rachel !

  11. long hair

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