
Meningitis and tdap shot.. What can I do to not focus on those!

by  |  earlier

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I woke up today with my dad telling me I had to get the meningitis and tdap (or is it dtap? either way) at 1:20 that's in a couple hours.

I am SO scared. I absolutely hate shots. Hate them hate them hate them! When I was little I used to run under the table crying I was so afraid of them! Now I just start shaking and feeling lightheaded.

What can I do to make myself focus on something else?!

And do these ones hurt?

How does it compare to taking blood? I just had to do that recently.




  1. Do not listen to your Dad, he is not a doctor. I know taking shots and drugs whenever your doctor scares you into taking them is common, BUT how about you do something different and NOT take any shots? You can do that, right? Or has your doctor scared you so much so, that you can`t think straight? I assure you, all shots and drugs will harm you. Shots and drugs have never cured anything and they never will. Run from the hospital and seek REAL help, help without harmful drugs and shots, which is also known as Natural Health Insurance.

  2. I always found the best way was to not think of it at all.  Just dont think about it.  Or mabe you could take a friend with you, because then you would have to be all brave.

    And getting a shot is nothing compared to giving blood...although when you give blood, it only hurt when they stick the needle in, then it only feels wierd.

    Good luck!

  3. DOes not hurt!!!  The diseases hurt alot worse!!!  Just relax your arm...if you tense up it will hurt more.  Look will be over before you know it!  Getting your blood taken hurts way more.  The shots hurt less than a bee sting.  You will be fine...just don't tense up

  4. Read up on the meningitis shot-I recently declined it as it is new, relatively unproven, and fairly uncommon, but read up on it and make your own decision. TDAP-or "tetanus shot" is very important, and will hurt. It is a muscle injection, so get as much motion as possible out of that arm to delay soreness and bruising. Just look away or take someone with you to keep you distracted with conversation.  

  5. I have had the meningitis shot, it doesn't hurt AT ALL. just close your eyes and count to ten and it will be over before you know it!!!!! Just remember  that from getting this shot you are preventing yourself from getting possibly deadly and serious condition!!!!! Good luck hope everything goes well just stay calm AND DON'T TENSE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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