
Mens/Boys only please. ANY ADVICE APPRECIATED?

by  |  earlier

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i had [what my mum told me] was a half circumcision when i was younger and now at the age of 15 i have realized that i cannot pull my f******n back very well and sometimes hurts when do so.

Also, when i do pull it fully back, when not erected i cannot touch the head of my p***s as its stings like mad...

I want help and advice...

BTW i am also diabetic and have been since 4 years old.

Please, any help on what to do..





  1. If this is as you describe and if I was you I would be turning the computer off and be on my way to the doctor.  


    Your p***s is a very delicate important organ. Yet not only is it important for you own sexual health, it also contributes a lot towards your partners needs, therefor its also important to your partner that you look after it.  While s*x is in part a physical act,  there are also mental stability issues here for both of you should you p***s not be healthy.

    When its come to caring for it, its not for amateurs to play around with..  

  2. You could have scarring as a result of the "half-circumcision".  Check the website: "Doctors opposed to circumcision".  Stretching gradually over several months might solve your problem. See a doctor.

  3. half a circumcision? I am going to recommend the other direction, restore the rest of your f******n and in the process stretch it out


    do some stretching, basically stretch the opening, if you do regularly for a while you will grow new skin and have the flexibility you need to retract the f******n (see the links below) you can also get topical steroid cream from the doctor to help speed it up

    also do a web search for "phimosis stretching"

    some people who solved their problem

  4. Sounds like the remaining f******n is a bit tight, if you try and stretch it back daily it should get looser after a while, and the pain on the glans is probably just because it's been mostly covered by the f******n and it's a bit sensitive, rub it very gently with wet fingers and it should stop hurting if you do that occasionally.


  5. I wouldn't think it would be normal for your p***s to hurt for no reason. I would see a doctor soon.

  6. WELL YOU PROBLLY HAVE THIS THING CALLED Phimosis is an inability to retract the f******n fully, is harmless in infancy and pre-pubescence, occurring in about 8% of boys at age 10. According to the British Medical Association, treatment (steroid cream, manual stretching) I HPOE THIS HELPS  

  7. Well, I'd circumcise the other half if I were you. It will probably help you pull your f******n back without your p***s hurting and will also avoid infections.

  8. You can gradually and gently stretch the f******n opening to facilitate normal f******n movement and retraction.

    Circumcision is never  necessary, and damages the p***s, sexual sensitivity and sexual ability.

    If you keep the f******n retracted for a short time each day, the sensitivity will diminish, and will become normal.    

    The individuals reccommending circumcision were usually mutilated at birth, and have no concept of the feeling of actually having one.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

  9. Why is it hurting?  Is it really red like it's infected?  When you are un-cut and still have your f******n, then you need to keep the area where it folds over clean.  Easy enough to do, as you just soap it up in the shower like you do every other part of your body.  If you haven't been pulling it back and cleaning under there, then it might be infected (it'll be really uncomfortable and you'll have red, irritated skin).  Sounds likely since you said that you can't touch it, so you probably aren't cleaning it either.  If that's the case, try an antibiotic ointment like bacitracin (you can pick it up at any drug store like Walgreen's or even at Target or grocery stores).  I don't know what role diabetes would play in it...ask a doctor.  

    If it's more of a pain due to the skin being too tight or something like then, then you can get doctors to either finish the circumcision completely or at least make small changes to loosen it up.  Personally, i'm un-cut and there is no way in heck i'm going to get circumcised.  There are a handful of benefits to keeping your f******n, but that's a personal choice.

  10. Jonathon you idiot how could he pull his f******n back if he gets it cut off!

  11. you cant really help a circumcision if it's already been done

  12. Sounds like you should go and have the "full" circumcision.  You'll get lots of bull c**p answers about "stretching" what's left of your f******n - ignore them they are ignorant.  Get it lobbed off - you'll feel better and be a d**n site more comfortable.

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